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Nothing succeeds like success; and once fairly started on a sequence of big scores, the cricketer goes on day by day piling up runs and vires acquirit eundo. Perhaps "being in form" does not depend so much on the state of the digestion as on the state of the mind. Anxiety or excitement, fostered by over-keenness, usually results in a blank score-sheet.

Which is the greater, power in the realm of nature or the body? or in the realm of the human will? multiplying food or changing a human will? This is the range through which Jesus' action runs in these fifteen incidents. Is there a growth in the power revealed? Is there an intenser plea to these men as the story goes on? Is there a steady piling up of evidence in the wooing of their hearts?

There would be periods during which they would be silent, listening to the howling and moaning of the wind hours at a stretch when the cold outside would seem to threaten, to tighten its constricting circle, when a great awe oppressed them; when it seemed that the whole world was snowbound, and that it would keep piling over and around them and all life would be extinct.

By pegging the lower edge of the lodge-skin to the ground, and piling a ridge of stones and earth upon it to keep out the air, fastening with wooden skewers the flap of hide that covered the entrance, and keeping a constant fire, they could pass a winter endurable to Indians, though smoke, filth, vermin, bad air, the crowd, and the total absence of privacy, would make it a purgatory to any civilized white man.

But this is an inquisitive age, and if we insist on piling up beyond a certain height knowledge which is in itself mere trash and lumber to a man whose life is to be one long fight with death and disease, there will be some sharp questions asked by and by, and our quick-witted people will perhaps find they can get along as well without the professor's cap as without the bishop's mitre and the monarch's crown.

"We're cutting loose, Bud, at last and piling up the shining ducats! You're to gather up a hundred of the most likely cayuses you've got and shove them down to the Lower End. We're selling pretty heavily to Doan, Rockwell & Haight." A new flicker came into Lee's eyes. Then they went hard as polished agate. "I didn't quite get you, Hampton," he said softly. "You say we're selling a hundred horses?

If he undertook it now, piling it on the pack of unsubstantial miseries he was carrying, he would be swamped utterly. He could only drop it into a dark pocket of his mind where an ill-assorted medley of dreads and fear lay waiting for what? For a future less confusing than this inscrutable present? At least, they could not be even glanced at now.

"Now you can tell me some more about that Dud you're always braggin' of." Bob did not know as he talked of his friend that June found what he said an interpretation of Robert Dillon rather than Dudley Hollister. Piling up brush to protect the bank from being washed away. Dillon and Hollister were lounging on the bank of Elk Creek through the heat of the day.

What Europe has learned, America can learn; what Europe has practiced, America can practice, and in the end she may excel her teachers. To-day economic forces are driving relentlessly. Surplus is accumulating in a geometric ratio surplus piling on surplus. This surplus must be disposed of.

It seemed as if he packed and sewed them into a sack, piling them up on top of one another. But the external sense of his words did not satisfy, did not touch, did not frighten her. She still waited for the horrible, and rigorously sought something beyond his words something in his face, his eyes, his voice, in his white hand, which slowly glided in the air.