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I must leave for some visit of the reader's own the large and little facts of the many chapels in the cathedral at Burgos, and I will try to overwhelm him with my sense of the whole mighty interior, the rich gloom, the Gothic exaltation, which I made such shift as I could to feel in the company of those picture-postal amateurs.

In the back of the wagon sat a young squaw and two papooses, and beside them were stacked three or four of the gay, handwoven rugs for which the white people will pay many dollars. "Buenas dias," said the driver of the wagon, who was an oldish Indian with a true picture-postal face. And: "Hello," said the other, who was young and wore a bright blue coat, such as young Mexicans affect.

He's hived up in South Dakote right now, an' she's in trainin' for alimony, or my name's Dennis Don'tknow." "Does look sort of funny," Simpkins replied, sympathetic, but not too interested. "When was it Doc. left? Last week?" "Last week, not; more'n a mont' ago, an' he ain't peeped since, for I've skinned every mail dat's come in, an' not a picture-postal, see?"

"Send me a picture-postal card to Paris. For I am off to Maxim's," he cried, "and you can go to " "Not at all!" shouted the amateur detective indignantly. "I'm going back to take supper with 'Baby Belle'!" I had made up my mind that when my vacation came I would spend it seeking adventures.