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A name is a warning, and we really give ourselves away in abstract philosophisings applied by an intelligent companion to the particular. "Why should we accept ready-made standards?" Edgar said. "None of the great governing forces of life can fit into a ditch of conventions." "No." "Sometimes you have to set out to sea and turn your back on the old familiar coastline."

It is this way of thinking; it is these melancholy truths, that make religion so precious to the poor, miserable children of men. If it is a mere phantom, existing only in the heated imagination of enthusiasm, What truth on earth so precious as the lie? My idle reasonings sometimes make me a little sceptical, but the necessities of my heart always give the cold philosophisings the lie.

Clearly it is institutions, for if it were climate there would be nothing to hope from reform. Burke opposed to all their schemes of construction and destruction, to their generalisations and philosophisings, the unchangeable fact of human nature. Circumstances and above all political institutions have made man what he is.

But again a truce to philosophisings. It grows late apace. I see Broadway, strumpet of the highways, sweltering collarless under the loud electricity of Times Square. I see a fetid blonde, dangling a patent leather handbag, hurrying to an assignation in Forty-fifth Street. I see two actors, pointing their boasts with yellow bamboo canes. A chop suey restaurant flashes its sign.