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So home, not agreeing for silk for a petticoat for her which she desired, but home to dinner and then back to White Hall, leaving my wife by the way to buy her petticoat of Bennet, and I to White Hall waiting all day on the Duke of Yorke to move the King for getting Lanyon some money at Plymouth out of some oyle prizes brought in thither, but could get nothing done, but here Mr.

They seemed kindly disposed and gentle-mannered, for all their outlandish garb, which consisted of a petticoat of long gray moss, and strings of little shells and beads of divers colours festooned about the neck. They loosed Barbara and me, for which we were mightily grateful, as our arms had grown numb and sore.

And how is her Gunning Grace of Hamilton, you ask, and do the folk still climb on chairs at Court to stare at her? Vastly in beauty, child. She was in a suit of fine blue satin at the last Birthnight, sprigged all over with white, and the petticoat robings broidered in the manner of a trimming wove in the satin. A hoop of the richest damask, trimmed with gold and silver.

"As I believe, she would not have had the dress had not Cate told Cicely Hyde, who is so intimate with Mary Cavendish," said my Lady Culpeper. "I had it from my lord's sister that 'twas the newest fashion in London. How else would the chit have heard of it, I pray?" "How else, indeed?" asked the burgess's wife. "And here my poor Cate must go in her old murrey-coloured petticoat," said my lady.

Even the nursery rhymes are in contrast; the prattler in New York says: Daffy down dilly Has come up to town, With a green petticoat And a blue gown; but in savagery the outer and nether garments are not yet differentiated; and more: blue and green are not differentiated, for the Indian has but one name for the two; the green grass and the blue heavens are of the same hue in the Indian tongue.

She rolled her eyes to express the seventh heavendom of delight. Endicott ignored the mockery. "I am sure neither your mother nor your father " "No, neither of them would approve, of course. But really, Winthrop, I'm way past the short petticoat stage though the way they're making them now nobody would guess it.

"It's all very well in books," Alix interrupted her sister in turn. "But in real life I don't believe a woman ever bothers to think whether her husband ever murmurs her name in dreams or not. I know I take Peter as much for granted as I do Tamalpais; if he ever leaped from the track, and stole or got drunk or wandered off after some petticoat, I'd FIX him!

"It's just as I thought, you are tagging after some new petticoat again. And," he continued wrathfully, "if this is what you've kept me away from Julian's for, if it's to fill me up with the perfections of some little idiot " "Not idiot," remonstrated Clifford gently. "See here," cried Elliott, "have you the nerve to try to tell me that you are in love again?" "Again?"

She had no notion that her Heir-to-Empire should be stared at as a captive; so, though she started from camp humbly as ever on the baggage camel, no sooner had they passed through the arched gate of the city with Prince Askurry well ahead of them in the narrow streets, than out she whipped the Royal Umbrella which she had patched up with an old scarlet silk petticoat, and there was Baby Akbar under its shadow; and, having young as he was been taught to salute to a crowd, he began waving his little fat hand with much dignity, until the people who had come out to gape whispered among themselves and said: "He looks every inch a king's son."

They wore a light brown petticoat of cloth woven by themselves, and reaching from the waist to just above the knee. Their hair was not left to fall loose, but tied tightly into a knot at the back of their heads, very much as it is worn in Europe at the present time. A few brass rings round their waists and arms completed their attire.