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The periosteum becomes affected, and you then have a characteristic group of mercurial pains, bone pains worse in changes of the weather, worse in the warmth of the bed, and chilliness with or after stool. The skin becomes rather of a brownish hue; ulcers form, particularly on the legs; they are stubborn and will not heal.

The disorder of growth is confined to those elements of the skeleton where a core of bone formed in cartilage comes to be encased in a sheath of bone formed beneath the periosteum. To indicate this abnormality the name diaphysial aclasis has been employed by Arthur Keith at the suggestion of Morley Roberts.

If the periosteum be removed, a similar growth commences from the bone. Now in the case of the imperfect embryon, the containing or confining parts are not yet supposed to be formed, and hence there is nothing to restrain its growth.

These symptoms are due to a sub-periosteal hæmorrhage, and associated with this there may be crepitus from separation of an epiphysis, rarely from fracture of the shaft of the bone. X-ray photographs show enlargement of the bone, the periosteum being raised from the shaft and new bone formed in relation to it.

We believe also that the retention of the periosteum on the graft is not essential, but, by favouring the establishment of vascular connections, it contributes to the survival of the graft and the success of the transplantation. Macewen maintains that bone grafts "take" better if broken up into small fragments; we regard this as unnecessary.

Trueheart reports a case of partial excision of the clavicle, successfully followed by the grafting of periosteal and osseous material taken from a dog. Robson and Hayes of Rochester, N.Y., have successfully supplemented excision of spina bifida by the transplantation of a strip of periosteum from a rabbit.

While an exostosis involving any one of the splint bones, even when directly caused by an injury, is called a "splint," the term is employed here, in reference to exostoses not due to direct injury such as in contusions. Etiology and Occurrence. There is incited an inflammation of the periosteum at the site of the interosseous ligament which attaches the small to the large metacarpal bone.

Myeloma occurs in the jaws, taking origin in the marrow or from the periosteum of the alveolar process, and is described elsewhere. #Sarcoma# and #endothelioma# are the commonest tumours of bone, and present wide variations in structure and in clinical features.

This passes through the canaliculi to the cells in the different parts of the bone, as follows: 1. The cells in the surface layer of the bone receive lymph from the capillaries in the periosteum. It gets to them through the short canaliculi that run out to the surface. The cells within the interior of the bone receive their nourishment from the small blood vessels in the Haversian canals.

While the swelling often remains quiescent for some time, it tends to increase in size, to become boggy or fluctuating, and to assume the characters of a cold abscess. The pus perforates the fibrous layer of the periosteum, invading and infecting the overlying soft parts, its spread being influenced by the anatomical arrangement of the tissues.