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But careful measurements that were made for years have led Regel to the conclusion that a thickening of the trunk actually takes place, which probably amounts to an increase of about a third over the original circumference of the trunk. Report by CONSUL PEIXOTTO, of Lyons.

For two years, Gelett Burgess, Bruce Porter, Porter Garnett, Willis Polk, Ernest Peixotto, and Florence Lundborg performed in it all the artistic antics that their youth, their originality, their high spirits suggested.

The committee includes Messrs. Laurence B. Benet, W.S. Dalliba, Charles Carroll, Frederick Coudert, James Deering, Chauncey M. Depew, E.H. Gary, H. Herman Harjes, William Jay, F.B. Kellog, Percy Peixotto, and Henry S. Priest. The chairman is Judge E.H. Gary. Mr. Herrick asked me to convey a private message to one of his friends, but as the telephone service was interrupted, Mr.

Jessica Peixotto, full professor of economics, three associate and seven assistant professors and two assistant professors in the medical college. Lillian Harris Coffin, chairman of the State Legislative Committee; for matter on Southern California to Miss M. Frances Wills and Mrs. Adelia D. Wade. Mrs. Sperry was reelected the next six years.

Under the four arches were handsome mural paintings, the work of Florian Peixotto, illustrating "De Soto Discovering the Mississippi," "The French and Indian Occupation," "New York in 1803," and "New York in 1903."

A number of American men in Paris are working untiringly for Paris, notably those in our War Relief Clearing House H.O. Beatty, Randolph Mordecai, James R. Barbour, M.P. Peixotto, Ralph Preston, Whitney Warren, Hugh R. Griffen, James Hazen Hyde, Walter Abbott, Charles R. Scott, J.J. Hoff, Rev. Dr.