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These attacks of envy were short-lived he could not ascribe them to the reading of the little hornet-like anarchist sheet, Père Peinard, which the other waiters lent him; rather was it an excess of bile provoked by the coveted beauty of Aholibah. She usurped his day dreams, his night reveries. He never took a step without keeping her memory in the foreground.

Other names of some note in the Anarchist world are Zo d'Axa (his real name is Galland), the former editor of L'en Dehors, a literary adventurer who has wandered into the camp of every party; Sebastian Faure, the father of the Père Peinard and author of Le Manchinisme et ses Conséquences; Bernard Lazare, Octave Mirbeau, François Guy, author of Les Préjugés et l'Anarchie (Béziers, 1888); Emil Darnaud, author of La Société Future , Mendiants et Vagabonds, une Revolution

In his peculiar argot he wrote in Père Peinard: "If there is a group into which the anarchists should thrust themselves, it is evidently the trade union.

Around these figures of modern French Anarchism are grouped a number of theorists of inferior rank, partly belonging to the literary aftergrowth and Bohemia, partly learned persons, contributors to the Révolté, the Père Peinard, the Revue Anarchiste, the L'en Dehors, and other Anarchist prints in Paris, mostly of a very ephemeral character. Cf.