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At Peebles he was agreeably surprised by the sight of Edwin. Though ignorant of the recommenced hostilities of Edward, Lord Ruthven became so impatient to resume his duties, that as soon as he was able to move, he had set off on his return to Perth.

I haven't read about the Praed Street Mystery nor even heard of it! I hope neither of you are mixed up in it?" "Considerably!" answered Purdie. "In more ways than one. And you can be of great help. Mr. Killick when you left Peebles after your illness, you sent Mrs. Lauriston a present of two valuable rings. Do you remember?" "Perfectly of course!" replied the old gentleman. "To be sure!"

"That other business the Phillips murder might have sprung out of the same cause," suggested Sir Gilbert. "If those chaps caught a stranger in a lonely place " "The police have a theory already about Phillips," remarked Mr. Lindsey. "They think he was followed from Peebles, and murdered for the sake of money that he was carrying in a bag he had with him.

But before going they inflicted one great loss, mortally wounding the gifted Captain Peebles, the only officer who knew the working of a Maxim gun, then new to the army. The remainder of the campaign was a matter of a few days.

At election times the mill-hands of both sexes were locked up for fear of rows, but in spite of this the locks were broken and the rows were perpetual. When my father turned out the sitting Tory, Sir Graham Montgomery, in 1880, there were high jinks in Peebles.

Soon after his return to England Park married the daughter of Mr Anderson, with whom he had served his apprenticeship, and resided a couple of years with his mother and one of his brothers on the farm that his father had occupied at Fowlshiels, in Scotland. After this he practised his profession for some time at Peebles.

In the early part of the century the foreman builder was a young man of the name of George Peebles, a native of Anstruther. My grandfather had placed in him a very high degree of confidence, and he was already designated to be foreman at the Bell Rock, when, on Christmas-day 1806, on his way home from Orkney, he was lost in the schooner Traveller.

"Not a bit!" said Purdie. "But I'll make myself responsible to them for his re-appearance. Now did you and he arrange anything about communicating with each other?" "Yes," replied Melky. "If anything turns up this next day or two I'm to wire to him at the post-office, Peebles. If he finds what he wants, he'll wire to me, here, at once." "Good!" said Purdie. "Now, here's another matter.

Lord Pantry of Assouan, the famous soldier, was the first comer. He was soon followed by Professor Morgan, an authority on Greek literature; Mr. Peebles, the ex-Prime Minister; Mrs. Hubert Baldwin, the immensely popular novelist; the fascinating Mrs.

This defective transcription had belonged to Mr William Veitch, as appears from his name written on the cover and first page, with the additionminister at Peebles, 1691.” In the copy transcribed for the press, the octavo manuscript has been followed.