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Again he said: "The demoralization in the street was never equaled, and it must take several days at least before matters get fairly straightened. There is a wholesome dread against making any obligations. Smith, Gould and Martin are just reported as paying in full."

Now, you stare-coated, mangey, bandy-legged, misbegotten, out-law coyote, fly! fly! whoops Aggy, jumping four foot in the air, 'before I squirt enough lead into your system to make it a paying job to melt you down! "The stage driver acted according to orders.

I got on the train without a ticket, took a seat in the parlor car, stopped at the best hotel, had a choice room on the ground floor, patronized the well-ordered dining-room regularly, and made free use of the place. And all the time I had practically no money with me. But would you believe me I was not a particle concerned about paying for those privileges.

From that time they ceased to be pure serfs, and began to tend towards becoming tenants, at first paying purely and simply SERVICE for their holdings, but gradually commuting that service for fines and money payment for rent, in short.

Nine times we met on the affair; nine times I paid four pounds for the supper and claret; and nine guineas I gave the agent for good offices. I then obtained the money, paying ten per cent. advance; and at the tenth meeting gave another supper, and disbursed fifteen pounds for the writings.

His suspicions were starting up again, and they grew stronger as he perceived that she was paying little attention to him, that she seemed to be listening for some expected sound. The place in which they now stood was quite dark, and Max, impatient and somewhat alarmed by the position in which he found himself, struck a match and looked round him. "Now," said he, "find me a candle, if you can."

"Formally presented, Paul soon became very affable, paying marked attention to both niece and uncle. From the first, Paul appeared predisposed in favor of these new acquaintances. "I was shocked, feeling a sense of fear mingled with utter aversion. The past so overwhelmed me as to render even common civilities loathsome, yet I endeavored to play the part assigned.

Not only did all the papers in North Carolina decline my requests for work, but such of them in Baltimore and Louisville as I tried said 'No. So I borrowed $50 and set out to St. Joe, Missouri, where I didn't know a human being. I became a reporter. At first I reported the price of cattle went to the stockyards, etc. My salary came near to paying my board and lodging, but it didn't quite do it.

The old lady understood all about it. "I could pay it off in two years," said the sick man. "There need be no paying off, and no mortgage, if I did it I almost believe I have got enough to do it." He knew very well that she had much more than enough. "I think more of this property than of anything in the world, my dear." "Chowton Farm could be yours, you know."

After sitting a while on a form in the passage she returned to her little room, and without paying any heed to her companion's words, she wept for a long time over her wrecked life. Nekhludoff had four matters to attend to in Petersburg.