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"They do say 'at he's in a varra parlish condition; an' they tell me there's to be no barkin' nor noise whativer." "Well, upon my word!" Melrose was by this time pale with rage. "A young man sick in my drawing-room! and a young woman giving orders in my house! you're a precious lot you are!" He strode on toward the young woman, who, as he now saw, was in the dress of a nurse.

Father Bowles might be in a "parlish" state; but as to all supporters of bishops and the heathenish custom of fixed prayers whether they wore black gowns or no "a man mut hae his doots." Never had Daffady been so successful with his shafts as on this particular evening. Mrs. Mason grew redder and redder; her large face alternately flamed and darkened in the firelight.

Dus'ta mind I was amang the lads that went ahint her I was, mysel'. But she wad hev nowt wi' me; she trysted wid Angus; so I went back home and broke the click reel of my new loom straight away. And it's parlish odd I've not lived marraless iver sin'."

My worrd, but he was parlish cliver! An I daursay as you teak afther him." Kind folk! with all the signs of their hard and simple life about them.

In one of his intervals of wakefulness he heard fragments of a conversation which was being sustained by the strangers behind him. Robbie had neither activity nor curiosity to waste on their talk, but he could not avoid listening. "He would have been the best agent in the King's service to a certainty," said one. "He's the 'cutest man I ever tackled. It's parlish odd how he baffles us."

"When we wor little 'uns, fadther used to give me an Hubert a silver saxpence the day he browt home t' fresh melder fro' t' mill," said Polly; "theer was parlish little nobbut paritch and oatcake to eat when we wor small. An now I'll uphold yo there isn't a farm servant but wants his white bread yanst a day whativver happens."