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If machinery is brought almost to the perfection of manual dexterousness, human beings attain the precision of machinery. I saw a neatly dressed girl at work whose sole occupation it was to tie up the wool, now white as snow and soft as silk, into small parcels.

He jumped down from the cart, and spoke to Moses in a certain voice: "Watch, Moses!" he said, pointing to the parcels. The dog looked wistfully at his master, as though suspecting something wrong or unusual, but he did not attempt to follow him; he lay down with his nose between his paws, his short ears pricked, and his bright eyes keenly observant.

Having arranged her finery to her satisfaction, Ella proceeded with her work of taking the things from the baskets, and, as she lifted out a large piece of cold beef, a delicious pie, some tea and sugar, and various parcels of bread and butter, and a jar of apple-sauce, the little Dunns all gathered round, quite unable to refrain from noisy expressions of glee and delight.

I couldn't hardly say no, could I? And there were some parcels and he walked back with me." She felt so wise and so clever and the narrative seemed so entirely natural, proper, and inevitable that she was tempted to continue "And supposing we did go into a cinematograph for a minute or two what then?" But she had no courage for the confession.

He was, likewise, very pleased to see that the Esslingen School is going to be so well attended, and that your assembly is so wisely making this spot a rallying point for Bahá’í Youth and their friends. Upon receipt of your letter he cabled Mr. Holley to send the food parcels you required for the Summer School, and he hopes that these reach you safely.

Although he never admitted it I found out for a fact that he had been primarily responsible for my release. It certainly was characteristic of him. He cracked a parting joke, which restored the good humour and cheerfulness of the camp, and with my few parcels under my arm I left the ill-famed field.

If a man has a thought which is worth declaring, let him declare it with a free and noble utterance don't let him wrap it up in multifarious parcels of dreary verbosity! There's too much of that kind of thing going on nowadays in England, at least. There's a kind of imitation of art which isn't art at all, a morbid, bilious, bad imitation. You only get close to the real goddess in Italy.

See me make that woman there take a fit." He ran across the road to the opposite pavement, where the only person in sight, a stout, middle-aged woman, was dragging slowly along, her arms full of parcels; and, planting himself directly in front of her, so that she was forced to stop, he seized both her hands and worked them up and down.

In his hand the Knight held a great spear, from the point of which fluttered a blood-red pennant as broad as the palm of one's hand. So this troop came forth from the castle, and in the midst of them walked three pack horses laden with parcels of divers shapes and kinds. Thus rode forth good Sir Richard of the Lea to pay his debt to Robin Hood this bright and merry morn.

She had carefully prepared and addressed little parcels of souvenirs to myself and to each of my children jewels, seals, silver pencil-cases, as well as some ancient and curious objects which had been preserved as relics in the family, and which she knew we should value and respect.