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And the girls were passing through the age when more than ever a girl needs a mother. They were not little paragons of wisdom and understanding, never making mistakes, always doing just what is right. One of the problems of the family at this time was Harry. He had been separated from the family so long, and in knocking about for himself had built up a philosophy of life all his own.

These duties come before all others in Japanese eyes. Whatever else he may neglect, he never forgets these obligations. From infancy he is familiar with stories in which children are represented as doing the most extraordinary things and undergoing the greatest hardships in order to serve their parents. There is one famous old book called "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Virtue."

Take asked her Mother. "Oh, no," cried the Mother. "I am a most unworthy creature as compared with a Paragon." "Then there aren't any such things," said Take, "because nobody could be better than you!" The Mother laughed. "Wait until I tell you about the Paragons. Then you'll see how very, very good they were," she said. "Once there was a Paragon.

Believe me, if the world were to know this you would be laughed at; and there is scarcely a mother or daughter, from the cottage to the castle, that would not say, 'Lucy Gourlay is a poor, inexperienced fool, who thinks she can find a world of angels, and paragons, and purity to live in." "But I care not for the world, Thomas; it is not my idol I do not worship it, nor shall I ever do so.

It is for his manliness that we love him, for his honesty, for his indifference to any mortal's approval save that of Thomas Carlyle. He convinces us that right thinking is good, but that right doing is much better. And so it is that he does honour to men of action like his beloved Oliver, and Fritz, neither of them paragons of wisdom or of goodness, but men of doughty deeds.

Not that she was one of those paragons whom painters of model heroines have delighted to imagine to themselves; one who from childhood gave manifest indications of excellence and greatness, and whose whole life was but a steady progressive development of its early promise.

No wonder indeed that grandmothers are all married for one could hardly imagine the young men of that day overlooking such paragons of virtue and propriety as lived in their grandmothers' days. Fancy an old maid grandmother with all those qualities of mind and heart that girls had in their grandmothers' days! So the elder Mrs.

Her hair had been compared to the crow's plumage; her waist was like a roll of silk, and her discretion in habiting herself was such that even the Lustrous Lady and the Lady Tortoise drew instruction from the splendours of her robes. It created, however, a general astonishment when she spoke. "Paragons of beauty, what is this dull and opaque-witted person that she should speak?"

"I do when they don't give me too much Mayflower. I've always thought, and so has mamma, that this was their one fault, that if it wasn't for that, they would be pretty near perfect; and now and now, Brooksie, I shall proceed to be the means of grace that shall make them paragons of perfection.

The Gypsy glared fiercely upon him Francisco laughed, and began with great glee to talk in Basque, of which the Gypsy understood not a word. The Basques, like all Tartars, and such they are, are paragons of fidelity and good nature; they are only dangerous when outraged, when they are terrible indeed. Francisco to the strength of a giant joined the disposition of a lamb.