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Then to the meeting, where Sir G. Carteret's two sons, his owne, and Sir N. Slaning, were admitted of the society: and this day I did pay my admission money, 40s. to the society. Here was very fine discourses and experiments, but I do lacke philosophy enough to understand them, and so cannot remember them.

It's true that those who lived about the first lake had not for the most part the conveniency of our french merchandise, as since, which obliged most of the remotest people to make peace, considering the enemy of theirs that came as a thunder bolt upon them, so that they joyned with them & forgett what was past for their owne preservation.

All these articles faithfullie, and without male-ingene to performe and fulfill in euerie degrée, he receiued a solemne oth, and caused his sonne the yoong king being there present, to receiue the same for performance of all those articles, such as touched his owne person onelie excepted.

The very children are afraid of their friends, when they see them masked; and so are we. Happie is that death which takes all leasure from the preparations of such an equipage. But so it is, he is his owne. So it is in my selfe.

Hold thee, here is something to pay the Surgeon and to wash your wound withall. Pike. My noble Captaine, I'le have care of my owne and drinke your health with it. Ma. Thou deservest more than common encouragement: prithee, remember me too. Pike. Why, now am I sorry I have no more hurt, gentlemen; but I tooke it as earnest to receive more if occasion bee.

And then according as they are friendships which the law and dutie of nature doth command us, so much the lesse of our owne voluntarie choice and libertie is there required unto it: And our genuine libertie hath no production more properly her owne, than that of affection and amitie. To his brothers knowne so kinde. As to beare a fathers minde.

Where shall we looke to finde a Julius Caesar whose atchievments shine as cleare in his owne Commentaries, as they did in the field? I confesse, my hand though able to wield a weapon among the Barbarous, yet well may tremble in handling a Pen among so many judicious; especially when I am so bold as to call so piercing and so glorious an Eye, as your Grace, to view these poore ragged lines.

The very children are acquainted with the storie of Croesus to this purpose: who being taken by Cyrus, and by him condemned to die, upon the point of his execution, cried out aloud: "Oh Solon, Solon!" which words of his, being reported to Cyrus, who inquiring what he meant by them, told him, hee now at his owne cost verified the advertisement Solon had before times given him; which was, that no man, what cheerefull and blandishing countenance soever fortune shewed them, may rightly deeme himselfe happie, till such time as he have passed the last day of his life, by reason of the uncertaintie and vicissitude of humane things, which by a very light motive, and slight occasion, are often changed from one to another cleane contrary state and degree.

No farther trewe of worde or promesse, then semeth them expediente for their owne behoue. ¶ The. vii. Chapiter. ¶ Of Persia, and the maners and ordinaunces of the Persians. This countrie as Ptolemie writeth in his fiueth booke, hath on the Northe, Media: on the West, Susiana: on the Easte, the two Carmanias: and on the Southe, an inshot of the Sea, called the Bosome of Parthia.

Now the archbishop, after he had remained there scarse two yeares, departed from thence of his owne accord, and came to the king of France, who courteouslie receiued him, and sent him to the abbeie of saint Columbes neere to the citie of Sens, where he remained a certeine season, as shall be shewed hereafter. N. Triuet. Matt. Wil.