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Ovin has been named in the account of the foundress as being her chief agent, to whom was entrusted the civil government of her territory. There is every reason to believe that this cross was erected either by him or to his memory; and if so it must be twelve centuries old. Just west of the monks' door is the entrance to the recently constructed vestry for the choir-boys.

She resided within it, and gave herself up entirely to works of religion and devotion, entrusting the civil government of her territory to Ovin. Her reputation for piety was spread far and wide, and attracted the attention of Egfrid, son of Oswy, King of Northumberland, who sought her hand in marriage.

Special attention may be given to some points in the sculpture of these corbels, every one of which is worthy of careful study. In notice the figure of Ovin, previously named as the steward, bearing an official staff, or perhaps a sword. In the surrender of royal dignity is signified by the crown placed on the altar. In the leaf-bearing staff has an abundance of conventional foliage.