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It is difficult to overestimate the impetus that a master’s successes impart to the progress of his pupils. My first studious year in Paris had been passed in the shadow of an elderly painter, who was comfortably dozing on the laurels of thirty years before.

While in their exaltation of the "sub-conscious self" namely, of those blind movements of instinct and foreboding common to the lower animals and to savage or degenerate man alike as against the intellect and the reasoned action of the will, he saw a menace to human attainment, to civilisation in the best meaning of that word to right reason and noble living, which it would be difficult to overestimate.

"You ought to make yourself physically tired to the point of exhaustion." "Oh, my dear Miss Burns," cried Frederick, "how you overestimate me! Work! I am no better than a tramp. The thing I thought to cure myself with was laziness, idleness.

He hoped she would reply that he had not, though this would have indicated a partial defeat in the object he had to put the complex thing so plainly that no one could fail to understand. But she answered, "Yes." He congratulated himself that his overestimate of her ignorance of affairs had not lured him into giving her the names of the parties at interest to transcribe.

The influence of the Bethlehem teaching lasted long enough to build up a very fine and critical standard of embroidery in America. It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the influence of this school of embroidery upon the needlework practice of a growing country.

It is so natural for an honorable man to so dread that he should do a dishonorable thing through self-interest or self-pity, that he may very well overestimate the sacrifice required of him through what he deems justice or generosity. May it not be so with you?

Three hundred of the panic-stricken animals ran amuck when they saw and felt the flames and charged wildly down the street, trampling under foot all who were in the way. One man was gored through and through by a maddened bull. At least a dozen persons', it is said, were killed, though probably this is an overestimate.

The historian of Christian thought in the nineteenth century cannot overestimate the significance of their personal interest in religion. The outstanding trait of Kant's reflection upon religion is its supreme interest in morals and conduct. Metaphysician that he was, Kant saw the evil which intellectualism had done to religion. Religion was a profoundly real thing to him in his own life.

Talleyrand died at Paris in 1838. Both men were unscrupulous intriguers, without an atom of moral sense or loyalty, and both possessed ability, differing in kind, perhaps, which they used in the accomplishment of their own ends. France can never overestimate the great evil these two men did to the national cause.

The law of June 7, 1906, and its amendment of March 2, 1907, accomplished what was desired in that respect, and the use of denatured alcohol, as intended, is making a fair degree of progress and is entitled to further encouragement and support from the Congress. The pure food legislation has already worked a benefit difficult to overestimate.