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He sat on my bed, biting his nails; and said what Macartney had said that we had too much gold at La Chance to run the risk of losing it by a better organized raid on it: and what I had known for myself that the mine output represented his only ready money for notes that were past renewing, and that it had to go out to Caraquet.

Her literary output was considerable, for in addition to her gospel, Science and Health, she wrote The Concordance of Science and Health, Rudimentary Divine Science, Christian Science versus Paganism, and other works, including some verse. The Christian Science churches, with their adherents, who number more than a million, are spread all over the world, each having an independent existence.

Thus far no well-defined quartz ledges have been discovered, but it is not impossible that such may yet be found. Once on a steady basis, it will from year to year, like the Klondike, increase its output until, finally deprived of its only attraction and drained of its sole asset, it shall again assume the dreary, uninhabited state in which it was discovered.

They howl about plots that are ostensibly from the soberest of novels, whose authors they blasphemously invoke. They boo and blow about twisted, callous scenarios that are bad imitations of the world's most beloved lyrics. The producers do not realize the mass effect of the output of the business.

Last year we realized $57,000 from the sale of our manufactured products; such as brick, terracotta, drain pipes, tiles, earthen ware, furniture, brooms, willow ware, and the output of several other minor industries. This brought the total income of the farm for the year, up to $250,000.

They bargained that women should be paid the same as men for the same output and the Government agreed not to use the women as a reservoir of cheap labour. Thus industrial liberty was ensured for women at least so long as the war should last. All these things combined to produce an enormous effect on public opinion.

As Cannon and his associates have so conclusively demonstrated, any emotion which was open to investigation resulted in an increase of adrenalin output. As our emotions are constantly operating during the day and often enough during sleep as well in connection with dreams we must presume that emotional stimulus is a normal excitant for the production of adrenalin.

In the words of Mr. Taft, "The effect of the decision in the Knight case upon the popular mind, and indeed upon Congress as well, was to discourage hope that the statute could be used to accomplish its manifest purpose and curb the great industrial trusts which, by the acquisition of all or a large percentage of the plants engaged in the manufacture of a commodity, by the dismantling of some and regulating the output of others, were making every effort to restrict production, control prices, and monopolize the business."

Subsequently the output fluctuates between one and two quarts daily, according to the demands made upon the breasts; the secretion is larger, consequently, if there are twins. Astounding yields of milk have been recorded, as in the case of a wet-nurse in a German institution who nursed a number of infants and became capable of supplying three to four quarts daily.

Since 1849 the western part of the Forest has been most active, one county, Sierra, having produced since then upwards of $200,000,000. The present output is much smaller than formerly, still it is large enough to render mining an important factor in the productive wealth of the state. In 1853 hydraulic mining was inaugurated near Nevada City. This gave renewed interest to placer-mining.