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"Won't they find him, and confiscate him and the things?" "Not on your life! 'T ain't exactly healthy, even for constables, to go round confiscatin' outfits they don't know who's connected with. They can't say for sure that burro and stuff is mine. They'll look it over and leave it right there." "But why did you come all the way back here?" asked Winthrop.

The outfits for betel nut and tobacco, aside from the brass boxes which fasten at the side, are generally carried in the sacks worn on the backs of the men or in the elaborate shoulder bags worn by the women. However, a small waterproof box is frequently seen attached to a man's belt, and in this he carries his betel nut, tobacco, and fire-making outfit.

Rather than have missed the trip, I would have gladly cooked or wrangled the horses for one of the outfits. On separating, Lovell urged his foreman and myself to be at the depot in good time to catch our train. That our employer's contracts for the year would require financial assistance, both of us were fully aware.

Then we rode across their front and stopped them. In the parley which ensued, harsh words were passing, when one of our outfit blurted out in well feigned surprise, "Hello, who's that, coming over there?" A squad of men were riding leisurely through our abandoned herd, coming over to where the two outfits were disputing. "What's the trouble here, gents?" inquired Hames as he rode up.

It's unfortunate, isn't it, the aptitude they display in getting lost from their outfits? Yet somehow I have failed to find any lost outfits so far. And they are all queens, it seems. No under-studies or minor turns about them, no, no. And I presume you are a queen, too?"

They infest the Macassar Strait, the Celebes Sea, and the Sulu Sea. Soung is the only place where they can dispose of their plunder to advantage, and obtain the necessary outfits. It may be called the principal resort of these pirates, where well-directed measures would result in effectually suppressing the crime.

It would never occur to him to enlarge the buttonhole. This sort of reformer never under any circumstances knows what he is doing. Experience and reform do not go together. A reformer cannot keep his zeal at white heat in the presence of a fact. He must discard all facts. Since 1914 a great many persons have received brand-new intellectual outfits. Many are beginning to think for the first time.

"I have no doubt they had to ask his permission to give you the presents, and as you, at the moment, were in high favour with him, I daresay he suffered them to give what they chose, without inquiring at all into their value. The gold he gave you was simply to procure your outfits, and he left it to the harem to reward you, as they chose, for the service you had rendered.

He turns around to get a glass on the table, and I see a forty-five in his hip pocket. 'Great post- holes! thinks I, 'but here's a family thinks a heap of cooking receipts, protecting it with firearms. I've known outfits that wouldn't do that much by a family feud. "'Drink this here down, says Uncle Emsley, handing me the glass of water.

"When do we start?" "It will be a hard trip. You'll be in the way." "No, I won't. I'll work. I've learned to work since I went on The Billow." "Each man has to take a year's supplies in with him. There'll be such a jam the Indian packers won't be able to handle it. Hal and Robert will have to pack their outfits across themselves. That's what I'm going along for to help them pack.