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We forget that God has larger ends, even for us, than we can see, so his plans do not fit ours. If God were not only to hear our prayers, as he does ever and always, but to answer them as we want them answered, he would not be God our Saviour, but the ministering genius of our destruction. But now Hester thought she might visit her friend. She had much to say to her and ask of her.

Betty, pack the bread into that basket and ask your father to bring down our heaviest blankets!" "I hope nothing will happen to this nice home of ours," sighed Betty as her father on their departure locked the door. "Nor to our corn either," he added, with a thought of the winter's food.

"'I recognized afterwards that marriages contracted under such circumstances as ours bear in themselves a rock against which many affections are wrecked, many prudent calculations, many lives.

She now evinced no anger, no jealous rage; all such feelings seemed to have departed with the rapture of her passion. "Just think of what people would say," she continued. "I don't deceive myself, I am fully aware that there is an abyss between your circle of society and ours. It is all very well for us to be rich, but money simply enlarges the gap.

Yet the king could not help a sigh, which he tried to turn into a cough, saying: "It is a good thing to be light-hearted, I am sure, whether she be ours or not." "It is a bad thing to be light-headed," answered the queen, looking with prophetic soul far into the future. "'T is a good thing to be light-handed," said the king. "'T is a bad thing to be light-fingered," answered the queen.

The meadow in which I was going was not up for hay; but a row of flake-hurdles ran up the slope not far from me on each side, and in the field so parted off from ours on the left they were making hay busily by now, in the simple fashion of the days when I was a boy.

"No," she nodded, "that's just what I don't want! I only want to know you. Names are extraneous things tags, labels let us waive them. If I tell you how I feel about this meeting of ours will you try to understand me?" The answer was less in words than in the assent of his honest gray eyes. "I have been surfeited all my life," she went on, "with love I want no more of it!

Let them pass, just as the summer storm passes away when the sun peeps out from behind the clouds and lights up everything with its radiance and makes us all cheerful, contented and happy. Ah, boys! I have been many years on the road, traveling over this broad land of ours. Aye! a poor player.

The English tree is shorter and stouter than ours; its foliage dense and deep, lying with a full, rounding outline against the sky. Everything here conveys the idea of concentrated vitality, but without that rank luxuriance seen in our American growth. Having unfortunately exhausted the English language on the subject of grass, I will not repeat any ecstasies upon that topic.

"We've been preparing our friends at the Terraces for a different looking lot of young men," laughed Susie. "We have told them that a number of high school boy friends of ours were coming over to dinner and the hop attired in the same clothes they have been wearing in camp and on the road. Now we must apologize to them for presenting fashion plates."