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Teether was looking worn with the excitement of the day and his sympathetic friend felt the journey would be too much for him. He smiled and fell over on her shoulder with a sigh of contentment. "Don't you think he oughter see them nelephants and things?" asked Eliza doubtfully, her loyalty to Teether warring with the relief of having him out of her thin little arms for the journey.

They are other widows in this town that have mourned respectable to say nothing of Miss Prissy Pike, that have never had no husband at all and had oughter be gave a chanct. Mr. Hoover are a nice man and I don't want to see him made noticeable in no such third-husband way."

So many strangers comin' an' goin', but they won't let me at it. I'm laid off for a month yet; that's why your job come in handy, sor." "Row with your Union?" I remarked, listlessly, my mind still intent on watching a sky tint above the foreground trees. "No wid the perlice. A little bit of a scrimmage wan night in Trafalgar Square. It was me own fault, sor, for I oughter a-knowed better.

Jenny tugged. "I'd thank you for some of your Aunt Bella's illness," she said. "I mean," Mary said, "like Papa was in the night. Every time I get 'cited and jump about I think she'll open her mouth and begin." "Well, if she was to you'd oughter be sorry for her." "I am sorry for her. But I'm frightened too." "That's not being good," said Jenny. But she left off tugging.

"Three million feet ain't worth talkin' about," "You make me tired," "Say your little say the way you oughter," "Found purty nigh two millions pocketed on Mare's Island, or we wouldn't a had that much," "Damn-fool undertaking, anyhow." "Men," cried Thorpe, "I have been very fortunate. From failure success has come. But never have I been more fortunate than in my friends.

Let me tell you somethin': My brother Abe goes out to one of them bathin' camps, swept by ocean breezes, on the Pacific slope, an' you should shorely oughter behold the joint he slams up! Pards, thar's more than two thousand rooms in that wickeyup!

Jordan met him joyfully, explained why he had been away, that he was thinking all the way home from the Derby that if he remained he might be a burden to Sedgwick and his new friends; that the best thing to do was to take no chances, and so he had been making the tour of Ireland. Of that country he had much to say. "Yo' oughter go thar, Jim," he said.

After the tinkle of the electric bell announcing the second act she returned to the deserted corridor, and before her audience of one gave ridiculous imitations in dead silence of ladies using the puff and twiddling up their front hair. "My! It's you as oughter be on the styge, my dear," said Aggie. "Do you think so?" said Glory. "I'm going on myself soon. Charlie's getting me on the clubs."

"He had to blow me an' Skinny twice last night." "I got two more after yu left," added Skinny "He shore oughter practice keeping still." At one o'clock sharp Hopalong walked up to the clerk of the hotel and grinned. The clerk looked up: "Hullo, Cassidy?" He exclaimed, genially. "What was all that fuss about this mornin' when I was away? I haven't seen you for a long time, have I? How are you?"

Rather than lose her audience, Aunt Abby followed, and in a moment the pair appeared in the living-room, where Fleming Stone was still talking to Eunice and Mr. Elliott. "Miss Ames, now, she's got somethin' worth tellin'," Fibsy announced. "This yarn of hers is pure gold and a yard wide, Mr. Stone, and you oughter hear it, sir." "Gladly," and Stone gave Aunt Abby a welcoming smile.