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Gentlemen "real toffs," they call 'em whom you don't know from Adam think nothing of speaking to you in the street. Why, Nurse Jinny says but there another patient's going off who by rights oughter have died only to-morrow. "To-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow," as that barn-stormer actor said. But they're always calling for that giddy young thing. Your GOLLY.

Deborah was really ignorant of her own strength. "You 'ark to me, Bart," said she, while the best man and bridesmaid walked on ahead talking lovingly. "I said them words, which you oughter 'ave said, 'cause you ain't got no memory t' speak of. But they ain't my beliefs, but yours, or I'll know the reason why. Jes' you say them now.

To make this inquiry a success, we-alls oughter see this Yallerhouse gent; an' as thar is fewer of him than of us, I app'ints Jack Moore, Dan Boggs, an' Short Creek Dave, a committee, of three, to bring him before us in a body. Pendin' the return of the committee the meetin' will take a drink with the chair.

There had been a time when Martha "weren't no better'n she oughter be, so everybody said," when she came to the village, and the dressmaker never let a chance slip to humiliate the old woman. Martha's open denunciation of the dressmaker's vinegar tongue had only increased the outspoken dislike each had for the other.

Judge, you oughter stepped down into Franklin Street and taken a look at the picture whilst there was still time. You never seen sech a funny sight in all your days, I'll bet!" "I reckin 'twould be too late to be startin' now," said Judge Priest. "I'm right sorry I missed it.... Busy ketchin' up, huh? Yes; I reckin he is.... Tell me, son, whut did you make out of the way Peep O'Day acted?"

'says I 'there's nobody of the name of Ball lives here. That took the man kinder aback, and he said he was told it was the only house on the lane, which I said was right, only it was the next lane he oughter 'a' gone to. He said no more after that, but just put his ladder in his wagon, and went off. But I was not altogether rid of him. He left a trail of his baleful presence behind him.

Men's mighty onreasonable, the best of 'em, but when a woman is married she ought to do all she can for the sake of peace. I dont see what a man has got to do interferin with the cookin, no how; a woman oughter 'tend to these matters. 'Pears to me, Mr. But if he cant bear the sight of a brandy bottle in the house, bring 'em down here to me; I'll keep 'em out of his sight, I'll be bound.

The shadow of a beatific smile passed over Peters' small features. "Bully!" he murmured. Then he added: "But I sort o' feel we both oughter set the law on that she devil." Jeff turned abruptly. His movement was almost electrical. "I shouldn't," he said sharply. Dug caught a glimpse of the desperate light in his eyes. "Why not?" There was a dash of resentment in Peters' tone.

You oughter seen Miss Mullaly if she didn't go hand-springin' over that wall!" "But what was it?" cried Mrs. Albright. "A cow!" "An ugly old cow!" "She went bellowin' like Sancho Panza set loose!" "Did she chase you? What did you do?" "She was coming for us, and we jumped over the wall! We were on our way home," explained Polly.

In a half-whisper we talked of the sad event of the day. 'Never oughter gone out a day like this, said Uncle Eb. 'Don' take much t' freeze an ol' man. 'Got to thinking of what happened yesterday and forgot the cold, I said. 'Bad day t' be absent-minded, whispered Uncle Eb, as he rose and tiptoed to the window and peered through the frosty panes.