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It was a surprising discovery for Jack Carleton and Otto Relstaub when they learned that the solitary Sauk warrior who welcomed them to his camp, had in his possession the horse belonging to the German lad, for which they had sought so long in vain. "Mine gracious!" exclaimed Otto, when they seated themselves again by the fire; "if we gots him, won't it be shust too good!"

"Dot's vot I didn't dink some times ago," maid Otto, meaning a little different from what his words implied. It was yet early in the day, and the boys could not but feel that the crisis was sure to come long before night. The temperature was mild and pleasant, no clouds floating in the space of clear sky visible overhead.

It sped round and round with such swiftness that it resembled a wheel of fire without the slightest break in the flaming periphery. "What can it mean?" asked the mystified Jack. "I vos told something apout afire dot vos to jump apout in one circle," was the remarkable statement of Otto. "What was it?" "I don't forgot him now," replied the German with the hesitating speech of one in doubt.

But Miss Braithwaite lay motionless, her face set in lines of suffering, and after a time Hedwig rose and tiptoed out of the room. Prince Ferdinand William Otto was excited. Tea had already come, and on the rare occasions when the governess was ill, it was his privilege to pour the tea. "Nikky is coming," he said rapidly, "and the three of us will have a party.

There is nothing that so apes the external bearing of free will as that unconscious bustle, obscurely following liquid laws, with which a river contends among obstructions. It seems the very play of man and destiny, and as Otto pored on these recurrent changes, he grew, by equal steps, the sleepier and the more profound.

Otto was now thoroughly angry. "NO!" he shouted, moving toward the door of his office. "Will you help put me on to the man who sold it to you?" "No!" roared Kling again, his Dutch blood at boiling-point. "I put you on noddin dot's your bis'ness, dis puttin' on, not mine." He had walked out of the office and was beckoning to the tramp. "Here, you!

In a month from now, I do not question we shall be able to meet any command your Highness may lay upon us; but at this hour I fear that, even in so small a matter, he must prepare himself for disappointment. Our zeal is no less, although our power may be inadequate. 'How much, Herr Grafinski, have we in the treasury? asked Otto.

'I did not believe this girl could care for me; I must not intrude; I must preserve the foppery of my indifference. What an impotent picture! 'Ay, we have the same blood, moralised Gotthold. 'You are drawing, with fine strokes, the character of the born sceptic. 'Sceptic? coward! cried Otto. 'Coward is the word. A springless, putty-hearted, cowering coward!

Of the thirty thousand persons who inhabited Janina a few hours previously, perhaps one half had escaped. But these had not fled many leagues before they encountered the outposts of the Otto man army, which, instead of helping or protecting them, fell upon them, plundered them, and drove them towards the camp, where slavery awaited them.

The fire had not yet been started, and Otto, stood leaning on his gun and looking off in the gloom toward the colt that had led him on such a long chase. The darkness had increased since the first sight of the animal, so that he was no longer visible; but the lad was confident he had not changed his position, nor was he likely to do so for some time to come.