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'Or rather, distinguished the licentiate, 'not to-day. The time will come, however, when these ideas shall prevail. 'You will permit me, sir, to doubt it, said Otto. 'Modesty is always admirable, chuckled the theorist. 'But yet I assure you, a man like you, with such a man as, say, Doctor Gotthold at your elbow, would be, for all practical issues, my ideal ruler.

'Herr Doctor, if you will kindly give me them, I will intrude no longer. Gotthold unlocked a drawer and handed a bundle of manuscript to the old gentleman, who prepared, with fitting salutations, to take his departure. 'Herr Greisengesang, since we have met, said Otto, 'let us talk. 'I am honoured by his Highness's commands, replied the Chancellor.

The young warrior asked himself whether he must recross the stream and join Jack Carleton with the confession that he had not been able to learn any thing about Otto, and that he saw no chance of doing so. He was loth to make such acknowledgment, and he determined not to do so, until after making at least one more attempt to force the truth from some member of the war party.

Directly behind the arrow came Deerfoot, landing in the presence of the youths with such suddenness that Jack half raised his gun under the belief that he was an enemy. Otto was so startled that he spilled the powder he was pouring into the barrel of his rifle, and the young Shawanoe smiled and said: "My brother is not glad to see Deerfoot." "I ishn't! you shust waits till I gots dis gun loaded."

Heinrich seized him by the coat. "What do you want?" inquired Otto. "I mean," said Heinrich, "whether you are not going to think about the fifty rix-dollars?"

'Now you see, she said, 'why I bade you keep the thief at distance, and why I came alone. How I trembled for my treasure! 'Madam, said Otto, with a tearful whimper in his voice, 'spare me! You are too good, too noble! 'I wonder to hear you, she returned. 'You have avoided a great folly. You will be able to meet your good old peasant.

Henriette started as if awaking from an evil dream, and, the thought of her brother flowing in again upon her mind, once more became a supplicant. "Can you do nothing for me? won't you assist me to get to Paris?" With his former air of unconcern Otto again raised his eyes to the horizon, smiling vaguely. "What would be the use? since to-morrow morning the city will be a pile of ruins!"

"On the contrary," replied the Doctor. "My observation has confirmed my fears. It will not do, Otto, not do." "What will not do?" demanded the Prince, with a sickening stab of pain. "None of it," answered Gotthold. "You are unfitted for a life of action; you lack the stamina, the habit, the restraint, the patience.

That Mike had delayed or entirely forgotten to hammer up these same iron shutters when the stranger brought in the dressing-case accounted for the fact of Otto Kling's shop having been kept open until so late.

He smiled, and Lord Valletort, who had not seen Otto Schmidt smile once during the past hour, discovered that he had not begun to appraise his new ally's qualities at their due worth. "It is a legal habit to state events in their order," he replied suavely. "But these are matters which we ought to discuss privately."