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Now, Otaheitan Sally, having gone rather cautiously about without catching any one except Charlie whom she pretends not to know, examines from head to foot, and then guesses wrong on purpose becomes suddenly wild, makes a desperate lunge, as she thinks, at Dan McCoy, and tumbles into Mrs Adams's lap, amid shouts of delight. Of course Dan brought about this incident by wise forethought.

When on deck he told Sir Thomas Staines and Captain Pipon, when they asked him who he was, that his name was Thursday October Christian, and that he was the son of the late Fletcher Christian by an Otaheitan mother; that he was the first born on the island, and his name was given him as he had been born on a Thursday in October.

The reader must make allowance for prejudice, in judging of their state from the testimony of one who had lived in Otaheitan luxury. A Sicilian, it is probable, would give a very sorry account of the Highlands and Highlanders of Scotland Yet still e'en here Content can spread a charm, Redress the clime, and all its rage disarm.

"Indeed," said Sarah, becoming much interested, for this was the first time that any young man had ventured to refer to such a subject, though she and her female companions had often canvassed the possibilities that surrounded them. "Yes, indeed," returned Dan. "Let me see, now. There's Charlie Christian and Otaheitan Sally " "Why, how did you come to know that?" asked Sarah, in genuine surprise.

Come, Ohoo, you know something about beaching canoes in a surf; there can't be much difference with a boat. Get up in the bow and direct me how to steer." He spoke to one of the native in the imperfect jumble of Otaheitan and English with which the white men had learned to communicate with the natives.

It seemed to Otaheitan Sally, and Dinah Adams, and Dolly and Polly Young, and the rest of them, that the island was not large enough now to contain all their new ideas, and they said so to John Adams one evening.

Otaheitan Sally tripped into the cave, and seating herself on the stone ledge opposite, beamed up in the sailor's face. "You're a good girl, Sall, an' I'll keep my promise to you from this day forth; see if I don't. I'll make a note of it in the log."

After a short trial, Young said that that was quite enough for the first day, and then went on to read a passage or two from the Bible himself. And now, for the first time, Otaheitan Sally heard the old, old story of the love of God to man in the gift of Jesus Christ.

McCoy and Quintal distinguished themselves in this service, hurling their animals on the planks with such violence that several of them fell over into the sea, and swam towards the shore in the surf from which they were rescued by the Otaheitan men, who danced about in the water, highly enjoying this part of their labour.

Put muskets and ammunition into the boat, John Adams; the place may be inhabited there's no saying and South Sea savages are not a hospitable race as a rule. Now then, look sharp, lads." In a few minutes, Adams, Martin, McCoy, Brown, and Quintal were in the boat, with two of the Otaheitan men. "Won't you take cutlasses?" asked Young, looking over the side.