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Columbus Blackie found his hands full with The Oskaloosa Kid. Again and again the youth struck him in the face; but the man persisted, beating down the slim hands and striking viciously at body and head until, at last, the boy, half stunned though still struggling, was dragged from the room. Simultaneously a series of frightful growls reverberated through the deserted mill.

From the depths of the cellar came the sound of a clanking chain. Something scratched heavily upon the wooden steps. Whatever it was it was evidently ascending, while behind it clanked the heavy links of a dragged chain. The Oskaloosa Kid cast a wide eyed glance of terror at Bridge. His lips moved in an attempt to speak; but fear rendered him inarticulate.

He then telephoned Jonas Prim that his daughter was safe and would be returned to him in less than an hour. By the time Bridge and The Oskaloosa Kid reached Payson the town was in an uproar. A threatening crowd met them a block from the jail; but Burton's men were armed with rifles which they succeeded in convincing the mob they would use if their prisoners were molested.

"You don't seem like a tramp at all, to talk to," she said; "but I suppose you are used to asking for food. I couldn't do it I should die if I had to." The Oskaloosa Kid looked uncomfortable. "So should " he commenced, and then suddenly subsided. "Of course I'd just as soon," he said. "You two stay here I'll be back in a minute."

"Eddie and I will return Miss Prim to her bereaved parents," interrupted The Sky Pilot. "You, Blackie, and Soup Face can arrange matters with The Oskaloosa Kid. I don't care for details. We will all meet in Toledo as soon as possible and split the swag. We ought to make a cleaning on this job, boes." "You split a mout'ful then," said Columbus Blackie. They fell to discussing way and means.

This Oskaloosa Kid is a bad proposition; and as for you, young lady, I rather imagine that the town constable is looking for you right now." The girl winced. "Please don't," she begged. "I haven't done anything wicked, honestly! But I want to get away so that they can't question me. I was in the car when they killed him; but I had nothing to do with it.

Straight ahead was a door opening upon the blackness of a rear apartment. Beside the foot of the stairway was another door leading to the cellar steps. Bridge nodded toward the rear room. "The stove is in there," he said. "We'd better go on and make a fire. Draw your pistol whoever did this has probably beat it; but it's just as well to be on the safe side." "I'm afraid," said The Oskaloosa Kid.

"I dunno," said Charlie; "but she was gassin' 'bout her pals croakin' a guy an' trunin' 'im outten a gas wagon, an' dis Oskaloosa Kid he croaks some old guy in Oakdale las' night. Mebby he ain't a bad 'un though!" "Where are they now?" asked Burton. "We got away from 'em at the Squibbs' place this mornin'," said Charlie. "Well," said Burton, "you boes come along with me.

The youth and the girl, shivering with cold and nervous excitement, craned their necks above the man's shoulder. "O-h-h!" gasped The Oskaloosa Kid. "He's gone," and, sure enough, the dead man had vanished.

"You gotta cut that if you travel with this bunch," said The Sky Pilot in a voice that was new to The Oskaloosa Kid; "and you, too, Blackie," he continued. "The rough stuff don't go with me, see?" He hurled Soup Face to the floor and resumed his seat by the fire.