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Like how much it costs a bottle to make it, and what was our idea how much it orter sell fur. He says finally if we can sell a certain number of bottles in so long a time he will put some money into it. Only, he says, they will be a stock company, and he will have to have fifty-one per cent. of the stock, or he won't put no money into it.

"He don't always stop to think of his family." "What did he ever do that struck you as being over-generous?" I asked of the young man who had spoken from the corner. "That's all right," he replied in a rather irritated and peevish tone; "I ain't going to go into details now, but there's people around here that hang on him, and that he's give to, that he hadn't orter."

Often and often White has told me about seeing Hank, after he'd sold a piece of land, treating the hull town down in Nolan's bar-room jest as come-easy, go-easy as if it wasn't money he orter paid his honest debts with." They set there that-a-way telling of what good pints they could think of fur ten minutes, and Hank a-hearing it and getting madder and madder all the time.

Joe hasn't got a wife and little uns." The circus proprietor tried to loosen her hold. "I've got to, my girl," he said gently. "I can't leave a man o' mine to that brute. It's my fault I orter known better than to let him take her from them cubs to-night. Let go, dear." He tried to unclinch her hands from his coat. "Has she the lioness got little cubs?" It was Norah's voice, and Mr.

Dat orful human natur gwine to come in now an' I belebe dat folks who know you an' all 'bout you'se family will help you, 'stid ob talkin' agin you. You see. You knows I doan' mean no disrespec' to ole Missus, but she'd jes sit down an' starbe, tinkin' ob de good dinners she orter hab, an' did hab in de ole times. All you'se folks in hebin is a smilin' on you, honey.

"Miss Scott says she's my Sunday-school teacher, only I don't go to Sunday-school much, you bet she says God made everybody, but I told her if He made Spectacle John Cross He'd orter be ashamed. An' I bet the devil made ole Mis' Cummins. She was the woman that brought us up, an' I say, she was a corker!" The man slowly turned his weary eyes and fixed them on the child's face.

"I ask you," says Colonel Tom. "And I ask you," says Doctor Kirby. And they looked at each other, both wonderized, and trying to understand. And it busted on me all at oncet who them two men really was. I orter knowed it sooner. When the colonel was first called Colonel Tom Buckner it struck me I knowed the name, and knowed something about it.

"I'm after work," answered Abner. "Well, you'd orter be a good hand at it. You look strong. Is that little feller your brother?" "No; he's my cousin." Herbert looked up in surprise at this avowal of relationship, but he thought it best not to say anything that would conflict with Abner's statement. "Is he after work, too?" asked the driver, with a smile. "No; he's goin' to his father."

"Say, Zip orter sure be shot or hanged," he cried angrily, "an' this doggone claim o' mud needs to be boosted through a dogasted volcany an' blowed out the other side o' no sort o' place at all. Ther' sure ain't nuthin' worse in the world than the foolishness of a tow-headed fool." But Bill ignored the outburst. "How much gold you found?" he inquired coldly. Sandy's indignant eyes blazed. "Gold?

"Pretty doin's there's goin' to be," said he; "never was nothin' like it in this town. That's what I stayed for. Thought ye'd orter know." "What do you mean?" asked Margaret Bean, staring. "Ye know what the doctor says about him?" The old man jerked his head towards the door. Margaret nodded. "Well, they're goin' to have 'em both hung for murder the minute he draws his last breath."