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"I never yet see a hen that liked water," interrupted Phineas. "Er a turkey either. Don't you worry about 'em. You better worry about that side-meat you're fryin'. Ef my nose is what it ort to be, I'd say that piece o' meat was bein' burnt to death, an' that's a lot wuss than bein' drownded. They say drowndin' is the easiest death " "You men clear out o' this kitchen," snapped Eliza. "Out with ye!

He looked first rate, he wore a sort of a helmet and had a cloak on, shaped some like my long circle cape, only it didn't set so good, and I wuz sorry they didn't have my pattern to cut it by. Hisen kinder curled up at the back, they ort to cut it ketterin'. Two noble statutes stood on each side on him, kinder guardin' him as it were, though he didn't need it as long as he clung to the cross.

If we loved our country as we ort to we would try to make her do away with these evils and stand up perfect under the heavens. It is the ma that loves her child that spanks her into doin' right if she can't coax her, and now do lay hold and help your country up onto the highest pedestal that a country ever stood on, and I'll help boost all I can."

"Yes," sez Josiah. "Wall," sez I, "the rope ort to be used on his own neck." And Josiah Allen acted awfully horrified at my idee, and asked me "if I wuz as crazy as a loon?" And sez he, "He has been one of the fiercest ones to head him off that has been out." And I sez dryly dry as a chip, "He wuzn't so fierce to head him off the night he sold him the whiskey and hard cider."

As I say, instead of Bible crimes that had been committed centuries ago, he dwelt strong and as if his hull heart wuz in his words on that terrible national crime back of most all the other sins and crimes of to-day. That stands a huge black shape blocking up the world's progress, that we ort to try our best to fight aginst, and how we had a Helper.

For men ort to be more honest and open than wimmen. They hain't had to cajole and wheedle and use little trickeries and deceits and indirect ways as wimmen have. Why, cramp a tree limb and see if it will grow as straight and vigorous as it would in full freedom and sunshine. "Men ort to be nobler than women, sincerer, braver.

Cyrenus Presly always loves to talk, and he always looks on the dark side of things, and he riz up and said "he didn't believe nothin' could be done, for by all he'd read about 'em, the men had tried everything possible to keep wimmen down where they ort to be, they had turned deaf ears to their complaints, wouldn't hear one word they said, they had tried drivin' and draggin' and insults of all kinds, and breakin' their bones, and imprisonment, and stuffin' 'em with rubber tubes, thrust through their nose down into their throats.

She married when she wuz quite well along in years and wuz gittin' old now and hadn't ort to work so hard. But her pale face lit up, "Oh, he will take care of me luxuriously when he's completed some of his inventions." "But," sez I pityin'ly, "you know they hain't worked yet, any on 'em.

Sez I, "That headin' off would have amounted to sunthin'." And agin I sez, "The rope ort to be used on his own neck, if it is on anybody's, his and Uncle Sam's." And agin Josiah Allen asked me, "If I wuz as crazy as a dumb loon and a losin' my faculties what few of 'em you ever had," sez he. And I sez, "The two wuz in partnership together, and they got the man to do the murder."

I hain't goin' to make no insinuations about their doin's though sister Henzy has approached me on the subject time and agin, she hain't so clost mouthed as I am. But I will merely say that when they got back their two breaths didn't smell as two deacon's breaths ort to smell. But I didn't say nothin' about it outside and shan't, I use tack.