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We had some light cotton among our goods, which would answer the purpose of the sail, and could be more easily handled, and would therefore be less dangerous, than a mat sail. We found that Oria had taken the invitation as it was intended, and had come to remain with Ellen. "I am so glad," said our sister, when she discovered this.

He gave us to understand that it was Oria at least, it sounded like it; and, at all events, that was the name by which we always called her. It was a pretty name, and well suited to such an interesting young creature.

When she again let it go, off it went, poking its head into the various articles on the verandah, examining a basket of fruits which Oria had just brought in, and the pots of which Domingos had charge; now pecking at one thing, now another. Our Indian friend had brought her another parrot called an anaca.

We had formed huts as usual, our camp-fire was lighted, and Domingos and Maria were engaged in cooking our evening meal, making the most of the scanty fare we had remaining. A point was near from which we believed we could get an uninterrupted view for a great distance down the river. As we found we could make our way to it without much difficulty, we begged Ellen and Oria to accompany us.

Now, the family of Doria, one of the most ancient in Genoa, the Spinola clan alone being older, emerges really about 1100, and takes its rise, we are told, from Arduin, a knight of Narbonne, who, resting in Genoa on his way to Jerusalem, married Oria, a daughter of the Genoese house of della Volta.

Notwithstanding this, King Crisnarao crossed the river, and on the bank fought so bravely that he defeated the King of Oria and put him to flight, in which defeat he took many horses and elephants.

"They are beckoning us. We will hasten on." In another minute we saw Duppo and Oria running towards us. They kept crying out words that I did not understand. As soon as they saw the recluse they hurried to him, and took his hands, as if they knew him well. "They tell me your young friend is ill," he remarked.

"It will be a hard task though, I fear," remarked Ellen, "as Oria does not yet know a word of English; and though we may make signs to show her what we want her to do, I do not see how we can speak of religion until she understands our language." "The more necessity then for teaching her without delay," observed Arthur.

He goes to the synagogue, recognizes that a lad omits the name of God from his prayer, thus showing that he is dead! He goes to Oria, then to Bari, and so forth. Similar marvels were told in the Midrash, of travellers like Father Jacob, and in the lives of Christian saints. But the Jew had a real means of shortening the way by profitable and edifying conversation.

Oria intimated that she would in time make the little stranger quite tame. "But we must keep it out of the way of Master Nimble's paws, for otherwise he would be very likely to treat it with small ceremony," observed John. "Why, Ellen, you will have a perfect menagerie before long." "Yes, I hope so," she answered; "I am not nearly contented yet.