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And the said court ordaineth that everyone return to his own home, and attend his proper business, without cost and charges, and for a cause.

Thy Lord, verily, doeth what He willeth and ordaineth what He pleaseth. 32 As to the soul which is intended, in truth it hath been called forth by the Word of God and is such that, if it be kindled with the fire of the love of its Lord, neither the waters of opposition nor the oceans of the world can quench its flame.

Those that have been besieged, have used divers meanes, to sende advise to their frendes: and mindyng not to send their message by mouth, thei have written letters in Cifers, and hidden them in sundrie wise: the Cifers be according, as pleaseth him that ordaineth them, the maner of hidyng them is divers.

Afterward bishops began to appropriate to themselves that power which pertained unto them jure devoluto, as if it had been their own jure proprio. The canon law ordaineth that, in giving of ordination, presbyters lay on their hands, together with the bishop’s hands. That which maketh them grant so much is, because they dare not deny that presbyters have the power of ordination jure divino.

Meditate upon this, O men of insight!... Whenever My laws appear like the sun in the heaven of Mine utterance, they must be faithfully obeyed by all, though My decree be such as to cause the heaven of every religion to be cleft asunder. He doth what He pleaseth. He chooseth; and none may question His choice. Whatsoever He, the Well-Beloved, ordaineth, the same is, verily, beloved.

My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

His bidding they will not obey, but will protest saying: ‘This is contrary to that which hath been handed down unto us by the Imáms of the Faith.’” In this day, all are repeating these very same words, utterly unaware that He is established upon the throne ofHe doeth whatsoever He willeth,” and abideth upon the seat ofHe ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth.”

In the Name of the Most Merciful God. O True believers, perform your contracts. Ye are allowed to eat the brute cattle, other than what ye are commanded to abstain from; except the game which ye are allowed at other times, but not while ye are on pilgrimage to Mecca; God ordaineth that which he pleaseth.

Yea, the whole creation, both seen and unseen, beareth witness unto their holiness. 241 Yea, these servants regard the one true God as He Whodoeth as He willethandordaineth as He pleaseth”. Thus they view not as impossible the continued appearance in the contingent world of the Manifestations of His Unity.

Jordan, and which I have kept close hidden in my trunk, hath been no small consolation to me this day, for it aboundeth in sweet and goodly thoughts, although he who did write it was a monk. Especially in my low state, have these words been a comfort to me: "What thou canst not amend in thyself or others, bear thou with patience until God ordaineth otherwise.