United States or Nauru ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was informed that they have been known to devour young infants. A guana was once killed on board an English vessel, upon which the trade with that vessel was immediately stopped, and a grand palaver held, when the Captain was sentenced to pay a fine of 500 bars, this was afterwards commuted to 200; and when it was paid the ship was permitted to recommence trading.

I told you that Miss Bracy and Mary are doing famously." "Yes, but I had rather go back." "Indeed!" and Dr. May looked at the door, and spoke low. "They make you welcome, I hope " "Oh, yes! nothing can be kinder." "I am glad to hear it. This Rivers is such a lout, that I could not tell how it might be. I did not look to see you turn homesick all at once." Ethel smiled.

Wordsworth's more elevated compositions, which already form three-fourths of his works; and will, I trust, constitute hereafter a still larger proportion; from these, whether in rhyme or blank verse, it would be difficult and almost superfluous to select instances of a diction peculiarly his own, of a style which cannot be imitated without its being at once recognised, as originating in Mr.

Then, turning to the mother, he continued with a bow: "You will not take it amiss, I think, if I have come a little earlier than usual, dear cousin; I have brought something for you; you once did me the pleasure of asking me for it." Poor Pons! Every time he addressed the President, the President's wife, or Cecile as "cousin," he gave them excruciating annoyance.

The thought of resisting had more than once crossed my mind, and, by dint of struggling and fighting, I might have made the nandu so restive that I could not have been fastened on his back.

For a moment she hesitated, looking from one to the other of us then, all at once, laughing a little and blushing a little, she leaned forward and kissed me. "Why, George!" said she, still blushing, "how fulish you be. Mr. Peter were as much a gentleman in his leather apron as ever he is in his fine coat how fulish you be, George!"

If that fence had to be taken down, and the posts dug up, and new posts put in, and the flower-bed which ran along the inside of it destroyed, it would be just as well to wait until the other work began and have it all done at once; so she told Mr. Thompson he need not send a painter, for she would make the old fence do for a while. Mrs.

Her nostril quivered slightly as she strove to neigh. The effort was in vain. Her love was greater than her strength. She moved her head a little, as if she would be nearer me, looked once more with her clear eyes into my face, breathed a long breath, straightened her shapely limbs, and died.

"So far as I knew, he is very much looked up to by lawyers and business men. He is counsel, I believe, for Mr. Blackwood's street car line on Boyne Street. And I told you, I believe, that I met him once at Mr. Kyme's." "Poor Robert!" she sighed. "I suppose business trouble does make one bitter, I've seen it so often. But I never imagined that it would overtake Robert, and at his time of life!

A man comes from the village to sell things once a week. Mathers knows when to expect him and takes care that Wenham is not around. They are out of the world there no road, no paths, nothing to bring even a tourist. I could have imagined such a spot in Arizona, Elizabeth, but in England no!" "Has he any amusements at all?" she inquired.