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I am surprised that people of these regions should have worn a head-dress; but, what is more curious still, Pinzon, in a voyage which he made alone to the coast of Paria, the particulars of which have been transmitted to us by Peter Martyr of Anghiera, professes to have seen natives who were clothed: "Incolas omnes genu tenus mares, foeminas surarum tenus, gossampinis vestibus amictos simplicibus repererunt; sed viros more Turcorum insuto minutim gossypio ad belli usum duplicibus."

Sextus Melethemes. Nonus Elphi, qui Anno Incarnationis Domini 1289. destruxit in illis partibus enormiter Christianos, et penitus omnes inde fugauit, atque recepit Tripolim Ciuitatem. Decimus Melethasseras: hic cepit Anno Domini 1291. in octaua paschae Accharon, fugatis vel occisis ex ea omnibus Christianis.

I will not say, ex hoc disce omnes; but it really appears to be the case, that these works are not studied by those for whom they are written not studied, at all events, to advantage. Dr. Kitchener augmented this department of our literary stores in 1821 with his "Cook's Oracle," which was very successful, and passed through a series of editions.

So soon as the emigrants have obtained a reasonable degree of comfort they will send home the passage money to pay for bringing out younger brothers or sisters to them. Did you ever hear the story of the homesick Kerry undergraduate at Oxford, at his first construe with his tutor, translating contiguare omnes as 'all of them County Kerry men'?

"Crimine ab uno disce omnes," says Virgil. From a single offense you may gather the nature of the whole. The detective who accepts employment for the purpose of procuring testimony in divorce cases is undoubtedly at the nadir of his profession.

"Nos vero qui in confinio Angliae sedes habemus, sicut Saxonum linguam per multa commercia bellaque ab illis didicimus nostramque deseruimus; ita priscos omnes mores reliquimus, priscusque nobis scribendi mos ut et sermo incognitus est.

Haworth was too wise for that, and perhaps he knew that nothing he could say could improve on the Beati omnes.

"Omnes gurgites tui et fluctus tui super me transierunt."* * "All thy waves and thy billows have gone over me." At the same time, the intermittent clash of the iron butts of the beadles' halberds, gradually dying away among the columns of the nave, produced the effect of a clock hammer striking the last hour of the condemned.

"O cleric!" said he, "do you know this expression which I have in commemoration i.e., 'Hibernenses omnes clamant ad te pueri, etc. which two girls uttered in their mother's womb in our country?"

Sed Arabum latrunculi qui omnem viam obseruabant, longius a ciuitate euagari, sua rabiosa multitudine innumera non sinebant. Vere igitur accidente, stolus nauium Ianuensium in porta Ioppensi applicuit. In quibus, cum sua mercimonia Christiani mercatores per ciuitates maritimas commutassent, et sancta loca similiter adorassent, ascendentes omnes maria nos commisimus.