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"The Five Sisters comin' down, and the old Squire's daughter comin' 'ome!" he muttered; "They two things is like ile and water, nothin' 'ull make 'em mix. The Squire's daughter ay ay! It seems but only yeste'day the Squire died! And she was a fine mare that threw him, too, Firefly was her name. Ay ay! It seems but yeste'day but yeste'day!"

That there mountain ain't flat on top, its cup-shaped, and it's only the rim you can see from here; and there's trees and water everywhere, and birds a- singing, and flowers a-blooming and butterflies a-flitting, and if there'd o'ny bin a nice little pub up there, like wot I knows of there at 'ome in Lime'ouse, it would 'a' bin Parrydise and I'd 'a' stayed.

Sink me! if it wasn't for the folks at 'ome, an' the fac' that the Andromeeda's skipper ought to keep clear of politics in this crimson country, I'd 'ave a cut in at the game meself." It might be hoped that Carmela's mood would soften when she discovered her rival's hapless love, but that would be expecting something which her bursting southern heart could not give.

Clarkson observed, "although I concluded that, in regard to beauty, the voice of the people is not necessarily identical with the voice of God." "Coachman!" said the big man, calling down to the driver, and imitating the voice of a duchess. "Coachman! drive slowly twice round the Park, and then 'ome." "No nasty shells here, Sire!

It's goin' in and out of the cold and the heat and the damp that's so tryin'. He's been holdin' on as long as he could, but now he's ready enough to part with 'em, and if only he could get a good price it'd maybe take 'im to the hopen-air, and help to keep the 'ome together till he's well." "That sounds the wisest plan," observed Jack thoughtfully. "Yes, sir, but the point is the sellin' of 'em.

Slipping his latchkey into his pocket he went out of the house and closed the door softly. Then he rang the bell. "Is the gen'leman at 'ome?" he asked of Mrs Butt, in a gruff, hoarse voice, as if still engaged in a struggle with a bad cold. "What gentleman?" asked Mrs Butt eyeing him suspiciously. "Brooke, you mean," said Mrs Butt still suspicious, and interposing her solid person in the doorway.

"The skipper's goings-on 'ave got nothing to do with me." "Then she can foller him 'ome in the morning," ses the skipper. "Good night, watch-man." Him and the mate 'elped the silly old thing to the ship, and, arter I 'ad been round to the Bear's Head and fetched a pint for the police-man, I locked up and sat down to think things out; and the more I thought the worse they seemed.

He stayed indoors of an evening reading the paper, or going for little walks by 'imseif, until at last Ted came 'ome one evening, smiling all over his face, and told 'im they had both been making fools of themselves for nothing. "Mrs. Jennings is going to be married," he ses, clapping Charlie on the back. "Wot?" ses Charlie. Ted nodded.

She did go part o' the way, and then, when she found that Ted wouldn't send his mate off, she came back and, woman-like, said as 'ow she wasn't going to go 'ome just to please Charlie Brice. She wouldn't speak a word to 'im, and when they all went to the music-'all together she sat with her face turned away from 'im and her elbow sticking in 'is chest.

I was brought up respectable." "I dare say," ses Mr. Cutts. "Take you 'ome, and then 'ave one o' your mates come and get the sack while we're away." Then Bob Pretty lost 'is temper, and the things 'e said about Mr. Cutts wasn't fit for Smith to 'ear. He threw 'imself down at last full length on the ground and sulked till the day broke.