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They will read it in the headlines of the papers a few suicides, a few defaulters, a few new convicts, an unclaimed corpse or two at the morgue; a few innocent girls, whose fathers' fortunes have gone to swell Camemeyer's and 'Standard Oil's' already uncountable gold, turned into streetwalkers; a few new palaces on Fifth Avenue, and a few new libraries given to communities that formerly took pride in building them from their honestly earned savings.

"Bacon grease and turpentine," Bud answered him despondently. "I'll have to commence on something else, though turpentine's played out I used it most all up on you." "Coal oil's good. And fry up a mess of onions and make a poultice." He put up a shaking hand before his mouth and coughed behind it, stifling the sound all he could.

My guess is that his wife's an oil-witch, which is why he lugs his whole family along wherever he goes. Why else would he?" "Maybe he loves her. It happens, you know." "Huh?" Eddie snorted. "After twenty years of her? Comet-gas! Anyway, would you have the sublime gall to make passes at Warner Oil's heiress, with more millions in her own sock than you've got dimes?" "I don't make passes."

She crouched in her seat, her hands clinging tightly to the box, her head turned as though expecting their pursuer to overtake them any moment. Suddenly Tom frowned. At the same time the engine gave a grating "b-r-r-r." "Oh, what is it?" "Oil's getting low Bad " she caught in answer. "Pulling some I'll fool him, though " He slowed down. "Don't " implored Robin. "We'll turn down this road.

Accordingly we opened the main hatch and found the vessel loaded with casks, some of which we examined and found them full of oil. "By tunder!" cried Sweers; "if we could only carry this vessel home there'd be a fortune for both of us, David. Shall I tell you what this sort of oil's worth? Well, it's worth about thirty pounds a ton. And how much d'ye think there's aboard?

Aunt Eleanor was very worldly in a frank, Early-Victorian manner. She liked men of action, and disliked young men who were careful of themselves and who, as she put it, were always trimming their wick as if they were afraid of their oil's giving out.

Where you fixing to operate?" "Oklahoma," was the comprehensive answer. "Oil's the thing to-day. There's more money being made in the fields over night than we used to think was in the United States mint." "Oil's good," said the fat man judicially. "But why the lease? Plenty of farms still owned by widows or old maids, and they'll fairly throw the land at you if you handle 'em right."

Why did it support so vigorously the Standard Oil ticket for the control of the Mutual Life Insurance Company and with James Stillman, one of the heads of Standard Oil, president of Standard Oil's big bank in New York, secretly one of its biggest stockholders! Also, why does the magazine refuse to give its readers a chance to judge its conduct?

I'll bet it ain't onct in a dozen times an investor gets a square run for his white alley, at that." "There are crooks in every game." "Sure, but oil's so darned temptin' to a crook. All the suckers are shovin' money at a promoter. They don't ask his capitalization or investigate his field. Lots o' promoters would hate like Sam Hill to strike oil. If they did they'd have to take care of it.

She won't float more'n a day or two, anyhow, wid th' afterdeck an' cargo burnt free. She'll go under as soon as the oil's washed out wid a sea, and that'll be th' last av a bad ship." I saw that the carpenter was right. There was no water for either Andrews or ourselves, and it would be foolish to go back to force the tank.