United States or Trinidad and Tobago ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Your ladies say, 'Oh, it's oful nice! Ours say, 'Oh, it's awful nice! We say, 'Four hundred, you say 'For' as in the word or. Your clergymen speak of 'the Lawd, ours of 'the Lord'; yours speak of 'the gawds of the heathen, ours of 'the gods of the heathen. When you are exhausted, you say you are 'knocked up. We don't.

When the bride finally recovered, she gave Neddy a love-box on the arm with her fan, and said with arch severity: "Well, you would HAVE me nothing else would do so you'll have to make the best of a bad bargain. DO order the champagne, I'm Oful dry." So with a mock groan which made her laugh again, Neddy ordered the champagne.

They had a pretty little lovers' quarrel over what wine they should have. Neddy was for obeying the guide-book and taking the wine of the country; but the bride said: "What, that nahsty stuff!" "It isn't nahsty, pet, it's quite good." "It IS nahsty." "No, it ISN'T nahsty." "It's Oful nahsty, Neddy, and I shahn't drink it." Then the question was, what she must have.

They had a pretty little lovers' quarrel over what wine they should have. Neddy was for obeying the guide-book and taking the wine of the country; but the bride said: "What, that nahsty stuff!" "It isn't nahsty, pet, it's quite good." "It IS nahsty." "No, it ISN'T nahsty." "It's Oful nahsty, Neddy, and I shahn't drink it." Then the question was, what she must have.

When the bride finally recovered, she gave Neddy a love-box on the arm with her fan, and said with arch severity: "Well, you would HAVE me nothing else would do so you'll have to make the best of a bad bargain. DO order the champagne, I'm Oful dry." So with a mock groan which made her laugh again, Neddy ordered the champagne.