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After a struggle of nearly four centuries the old distinction of plebeian and patrician no longer existed. Plebeians held high offices, and patricians, like the Gracchi, stood forward as champions of popular rights. These stirring times produced many celebrated orators.

Add to this, the encouragement which was held out by the rapid promotion of soldiers during the wars of the revolution, when the highest military offices were not only open to the attainment, but were generally appropriated to the claims of men who rose from the ranks; and the general dissemination, at that period, of an unbounded desire for violence and rapine: And it will probably be allowed, that the spirit of the French nation, at the time when he came to the head of it, was truly and almost exclusively military.

In dusty offices I recalled her freshness as she had sat beside me in the garden, the freshness of a flower; with Berkeleyan subjectivism I clothed the flower with colour, bestowed it with fragrance. I conferred on Maude all the gifts and graces that woman had possessed since the creation.

The girl with industrious and observant interests studies stenography and type-writing, moves to the vicinity of offices, but is then caught up in the life of a farmer-husband who shifts her center of activity to a farm in Idaho where she must devote herself to entirely different activities, form new associations, think in new terms, respond to new emotions, and adjust herself to her farmer-husband's personality.

No ancient heathen writer has uttered so many thoughts and precepts which bear a resemblance to teachings of the New Testament. The study that nourished most in this period is Jurisprudence. It is the classic era of the jurists. Persons versed in the law were preferred by the emperors for high offices.

Madame Marneffe had placed her batteries after due study of the Baron's past life, which her husband had narrated in much detail, after picking up some information in the offices.

Even if he finds proper rooms, they are frequently in an unfit quarter of the town, remote from the residences of his colleagues, from the public offices, from everybody and everything related to his work. His term of office being generally short, he is usually considered a rather undesirable tenant, and is charged accordingly.

A person must be good before his works can be good. We must not be dejected, but believe and pray. No State or Calling is of any value to make one good before God. Faith endureth no human traditions in the conscience. The Saints oftentimes erred like men. We must distinguish offices from the persons. We hate punishment, but we love sin.

They were forced to pay implicit obedience to their superiors; modesty in demeanour, as becoming their age, was strictly required before their elders; and they had to perform many offices which would now be deemed menial. First they learned how to manage their horses with ease and dexterity; next how to use the sword, the bow, and the lance.

Then he wandered down through the empty offices it was Saturday afternoon and Pomeroy and Parke closed promptly at twelve had a brief chat with the Japanese janitor, and washed his hands and combed his hair very conscientiously in the president's own lavatory.