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The officer's cigar had been dashed from his mouth: he stood at bay, sword in hand, meeting a rush with a desperate stroke. The assistance of a second sword got him clear of the fray. Both hastened forward as the crush melted with the hiss of a withdrawing wave. They interchanged exclamations: "Is it you, Jenna!"

His simplicity of manner made a very encouraging impression on us, particularly when we heard his report. When, however, Heubner asked whether he would undertake to defend Freiberg against the troops which might be expected to attack at any moment, he declared that this was an experienced officer's job, and that he himself was no soldier and knew nothing of strategy.

Count Lorenzo di Paoli, I arrest you in the name of the National Assembly, on a charge of conspiracy," answered the Frenchman, stepping forward and attempting to lay his hand on the count's shoulder. "Stand back, sir!" cried Count Lorenzo, stepping back a pace and levelling a pistol at the officer's head.

The fearless foe of the Turks was troubled by the recruiting officer's mysterious menaces, but his kind heart forbade him to add a new offence to the bitter mortification inflicted upon this man by his daughter.

"The people of Paris have learned a lesson today," he said. A trooper clattered up, leading an officer's horse, and dismounted, saluting. The young surgeon glanced at his watch. "Picard," he said, "stop a closed cab and send it here." The trooper wheeled his horse and galloped away across the square, and the officer turned to the others. "Madame, I trust, will soon recover," he said courteously.

An exquisite, imperious little officer's girl with divinely compassionate eyes, who wasn't ashamed to dance with a private, and who had let him hold her hand at parting while she said in accents an angel might have envied, "Good-by, Soldier Boy."

Before long the very next day the possession of the notes was traced to the officer's Burman servant, who looked after his clothes and attended on him at table. The boy was caught in the act of trying to change one of the notes. He was arrested, and he confessed. He was very hard up, he said, and his sister had written asking him to help her.

"Why didn't it strike old Brassribs to make the inhabitants do a job of work occasionally?" he added presently. "Now, in the old general's time " Far down on the edge of the forest, across two or three miles of rolling hills, a patch of orange earth, newly turned, caught the orderly officer's eye. One of the inhabitants was doing a job of work there, anyway.

"I shall be very pleased, very pleased. Vasilich, you'll see to it. Just unload one or two carts. Well, what of it... do what's necessary..." said the count, muttering some indefinite order. But at the same moment an expression of warm gratitude on the officer's face had already sealed the order. The count looked around him.

"Do you mean to say they're using things like that here?" "I mean to say they're planning to, if they haven't already. That coal now, you'd see that go into your furnaces, or under your boilers, or wherever you use it, and wouldn't worry, would you?" "Are these actual photographs?" "Made from articles taken from a German officer's trunk, in a neutral country.