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When I saw Plimpton at the Country Club the other day he wondered, in that genial, off-hand manner of his, whether Hodder would continue to be satisfied with St. John's. Plimpton said he might be offered a missionary diocese. Oh we'll have a fine old row." "I believe," said Eleanor, "that that's the only thing that interests you."

I was pretty successful, too; had considerable stock, built me a house, made a flower garden for my wife, even put up the pegs or nails she was to hang her dresses on. I intended that fall to get on my horse, ride through the Wallamet Valley, and find me my girl." At the notion of courting in that off-hand, general style, both my husband and I laughed doubtingly.

"Do you know how old I am?" said Saltash. "Thirty-five," said Juliet idly. Again his brows went up. "How on earth do you know these things off-hand?" Her grey eyes were quizzical. "You are quite young enough yet to be happy if only the right woman turns up." He leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head, and contemplated her with a criticism that lasted several seconds.

If tomorrow should bring such conditions, would your banks suffer?" Fairley of the Metallic shook his head gravely. "If a panic developed just now many institutions would go to the wall. As to how many or which ones, I could not answer off-hand." Henry of the Deposit supplemented with added detail. "The national mind is hysterical beyond the usual and this is a time of heightened danger.

He spoke in an off-hand casual sort of way, and was rather proud of his knowledge until the boy laughed. "No, sir, that there is Crockern Tor. Cawsan' Baycon be right 'way 'tother side of Dartymoor, right 'long up in the narth, Oke'ampton way." "Is Crockern Tor as high as Cawsand Beacon?" asked Paul, more humbly. "I reckon not, not by a brave bit," said the boy, "but it's a purty place to go to."

Not a customer but owed him something. His country men gave notice of his disappearance to the police, and black-trackers off-hand told a graphic and obvious story. Hu Dra had begun his weekly round when he had been attacked by myalls. They had capsized his baskets and wantonly battered them to pieces. For him had been reserved the customary fate.

"It is no concern of yours what I do with myself. I do not intend you to have any voice in the matter. Besides just be good enough to tell me, please! suppose you made up your mind not to allow me, how would you set about it?" This was a poser, and the gentleman was practically obliged to acknowledge it. "I couldn't say off-hand," said he.

It is enough to say that when Tony had had his face washed and stood forth his old self in all respects except that he looked two or three sizes larger, more sunburnt, and more manly his father quietly betook himself to his tent, and remained there for a time in solitude. Thereafter he came out, and assuming a free-and-easy, off-hand look of composure, which was clearly hypocritical, ordered tea.

"Through the kindness of Sir Marcus," replied Judith graciously, "you are a very old acquaintance. I could write you off-hand a nice little obituary notice with all the adventures well, I will not say complete but with all the dates accurate, I assure you. I have a head for that sort of thing." "Yes," I cried, desiring to turn the conversation. "Don't tell Mrs.

"Yes, yes," cried Belle, "tell us everything. We've been dying with curiosity all day, and you've been so mysterious and important, and have put on such airs, that you quite awed me. Seems to me that for a country boy you are blossoming fast." "It isn't necessary for a country boy to be a fool, especially when he has eyes," replied Roger in an off-hand way. "It's all simple enough.