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Alongside of them the dim shadow of a sister ferry screamed its way through the fogbank. That he was a landsman was evidenced by his way of standing; he was uncertain; at every heave of the boat he would shift sidewise. An unusually heavy roll caught him slightly off-balance and jostled him against the detective. The latter held up his hand and caught him by the arm.

I think that in any great new experience one's whole nature is perhaps a little off-balance, confused. I had suffered so much, in so many ways; his death; Jack's unworthiness; this fear for you; and then, in these last days, for what you know, mama, for him, because of him my father, a suffering that no joy will ever efface, that I was made, I think, for a little time, a stranger to myself.

In consequence, their tactics were unfathomable to the Huks who thought in military terms. Squadrons of police ships which would have seemed ridiculous to a fighting-force commander threw the Huks off-balance, kept them off-balance, did a scrupulous minimum of damage to them, and thereby kept out of every trap the Huks set for them.

The controller dispatched a beat cop already in the area. Twenty minutes later, two very large and very obedient young toughs stumbled in, followed by an angry officer. In addition to the marks of the fight, both had a lumbering, off-balance walk that showed that the policeman had been prodding them with his riot club. It was called an "electronic persuader"; it also doubled as a carbine.