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However, it is not every day in the week one makes an excursion, so naturally things cannot be expected to go quite as usual when such an event occurs. The carriage came, Mevrouw had been waiting ten minutes, and three times been to see why Julia was not waiting with her. She was quite ready, but Mevrouw at that moment discovered that she had the wrong sunshade.

But he who is curious to pursue the study further will find a list of references at the end of the volume directing him to some of the sources of information. He will there discover an appalling record of crime, for, as Thomas Beet points out, hardly a strike occurs where these special officers are not sent to make trouble.

HISTORICAL criticism nowhere occurs as an isolated fact in the civilisation or literature of any people. It is part of that complex working towards freedom which may be described as the revolt against authority.

The wall of capillaries consists of a single layer of endothelial cells. Various terms are employed in relation to hæmorrhage, according to its seat, its origin, the time at which it occurs, and other circumstances. The term external hæmorrhage is employed when the blood escapes on the surface; when the bleeding takes place into the tissues or into a cavity it is spoken of as internal.

In the edition of The Advancement of Learning printed in 1605 occurs the word dusinesse. In a later edition this was conjecturally changed to business; but the occurrence of vertigine in the Latin translation enables Mr.

Having crossed unconsciously by such a slender etymological bridge from my jungle tadpole to China, it occurs to me that the Chinese are the most positively thigmotactic people in the world.

Through it passion and philosophy are as well expressed as through any other medium. But the rhyming frenzy of Browning has no particular relation even to the poems in which it occurs. It is not a dance to any measure; it can only be called the horse-play of literature.

By degrees, as always occurs, the strict observance of the Emperor's orders was gradually relaxed, still without the Empress daring to resume her nocturnal gatherings. The words of his Majesty were not forgotten, however, and were well remembered by M. Colas, concierge of the pavilion of Flora.

It begins with enlargement of the cervical glands, and drowsiness and sleep at unusual hours. At first the patient may be aroused, but later sinks into a heavy stupor or coma. Death occurs in from three to twelve months, and is due to starvation. Forbes reports 11 fatal cases, and two that passed from observation.

Suddenly the people began to stand back, for the gas was beginning to enter into the balloon through a long tube of yellow cloth, which lay on the soil, swelling and undulating like an enormous worm. But another thought, another picture occurs to every mind. It is thus that nature itself nourishes beings until their birth.