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Hernia may be congenital or acquired, or may be single or multiple as many as five having been seen in one individual. More than two-thirds of cases of rupture suffer from inguinal hernia In the oblique form of inguinal hernia the abdominal contents descend along the inguinal canal to the outer side of the epigastric artery, and enter the scrotum in the male, and the labium majus in the female.

After the second day she'll be as snug as a bug in a rug. They're good to 'em in those places; good as gold." "No, no, Jerry! No, no! I gotta have her with me! She raised me from a kid and and she couldn't stand it, Jerry! I gotta have her, I gotta! I want her!" His mouth sagged downward suddenly and on an oblique. "Say, somebody must have given you a few lessons in nagging, yourself.

More, it is the true origin of all your best loves and enthusiasms, the inspiring cause of your heroisms and achievements; which are but oblique and tentative efforts to still that strange hunger for some final object of devotion, some completing and elucidating vision, some total self-donation, some great and perfect Act within which your little activity can be merged. St.

But in the apes the axis begins to be oblique, and the apex of the heart to move towards the left side. The displacement is greatest in the anthropoid apes chimpanzee, gorilla, and orang which resemble man in this.

The lowermost are called round ligaments, taking their origin from the side of the womb near the horn, from whence they pass the groin, together with the production of the peritoneum, which accompanies them through the rings of the oblique and transverse muscles of the belly, by which they divide themselves into many little branches resembling the foot of a goose, of which some are inserted into the os pubis, the rest are lost and confounded with the membranes which women and children feel in their thighs.

He led the way along the black ridge of juicy peat, to where, in an oblique cutting running out from the main drain, a dozen men were at work, with their sharp spades cutting out great square bricks of peat, and clearing away the accumulations of hundreds of years from the sides of what at first appeared to be an enormous trunk of a tree, but which, upon closer inspection, drew forth from Dick a loud ejaculation.

We follow, you ask for truce. It is granted. We are not hard no. We only want our rights. Admit them; we'll make surrender easy, and the matter is over." Lafarge gasped. She was forcing his hand. She would not understand his oblique suggestions. He saw only one way now, and that was to meet her, boast for boast. "I haven't come to surrender," he said, "but to demand."

It is about 55 miles in diameter, and is enclosed by a border somewhat difficult to trace in its entirety, except under oblique light. There are some large craters within it, of which one on the N. side of the floor is especially prominent.

As a result of falls on frozen ground, kicks or any other form of heavy contusion, the humerus is occasionally broken. It is rarely fractured otherwise. Because of the force of contusions usually required to effect humeral fracture, the manner in which the bone is broken, with respect to direction, is variable. Often oblique fractures exist and occasionally there occurs multiple fracture.

The sparks burned holes in his clothes, and he would not have escaped a severe burning himself had not some one thrown a pail of water over him. It was impossible to restrain him. He struck out with hands and feet, and bit at any one who attempted to prevent him from running into the fire. Suddenly a rocket shot in an oblique direction, and dropped into the lake.