United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Is your mule good and strong, Eradicate?" "Strong? Why dish yeah mule could pull a house ober dat is when he's got a mind to. An' he'd do most anyt'ing now, 'ca'se he's anxious t' git home t' his dinnah; ain't yo' all, Boomerang?" Once more the mule waved his ears, like signal flags. "Then I have a proposition to make," went on the balloonist.

Dey's a easy way ter prove it: I kin lead de way right ter Henry's grave ober yander in de plantation buryin'-groun'. En I tell yer w'at, marster, I would n' 'vise you to buy dis yer ole vimya'd, 'caze de goopher 's on it yit, en dey ain' no tellin' w'en it's gwine ter crap out." "But I thought you said all the old vines died."

John's character pretty thoroughly and despised him accordingly. "I thought Marion might be around here." "She aint been yeah to-day, sah. She an' Jack was out on de bay in dat awful storm yesterday and I reckon it was most too much fo' dem." "Out in that awful storm! It's a wonder the boat didn't upset." "Da was ober to de wrack when de big blow came." "Did they stay there?"

"When po' nigger han bin tie, an' yunna bocra got eberyt'ing gun, cannon an' all de am-nition, an' beside dat, de town full wid strange trash frum all ober de country to crush dem? Some er dese men I sees shootin' an' killin', dars men an' umen livin' er my race dat nussed an' tuk keer er dem w'en dey bin little.

"Perfess'r and Long man; we seed 'em, dey motion for us to hurry ober to 'em." This was astounding news and Ashman was mystified. "How did they get over there? And why did they leave camp?" "Don' know; seed 'em; want us hurry."

"Whar you gwine, Massa Ossifer?" asked Uncle Job, after they had walked a short distance from the negro village. "Over to the other side of the island," replied the lieutenant. "Wot you gwine to do ober dar, massa?" "I want to see what there is over there." "Dis nigger kin told you wot dar is over dar." "Well, what is there over there?"

Osman spoke in Lingua Franca and Peter replied in his ordinary language. "Oh yes, massa, I know," said the latter, with intense earnestness; "she escaped ober de wall." "Blockhead!" exclaimed the irate Osman, who was a sturdy but ill-favoured specimen of Moslem humanity. "Of course I know that, but how did she escape over the wall?" "Don' know dat, massa.

Got a look on him make ye shiver all over; says he's gwineter s'arch de house. He's got a constable wid him dat is, he's got a man dat looks like a constable, an' " St. George laid his hands on the old woman's shoulders, and turned her about. "Hush your racket this instant, and tell me who is downstairs?" "Marse Talbot Rutter," she wheezed; "come f'om de country got mud all ober his boots." "Mr.

Sence de creek's been up I haint been able to git across, and dere's piles o' letters to go ober to-day." "It must make it rather bad for the company when the creek rises in this way," said Harry. "Dat's so," answered Miles. "Dey gits in a heap o' trubble when dey can't send dere letters and git 'em. Though 'taint so many letters dey sends as telegraphs."

"W'en I wuz a young man," began Julius, when I had finally prevailed upon him to tell us the story, "dat club-footed nigger his name is Primus use' ter b'long ter ole Mars Jim McGee ober on de Lumbe'ton plank-road. I use' ter go ober dere ter see a 'oman w'at libbed on de plantation; dat 's how I come ter know all erbout it.