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Simile says is very true, gentlemen; and there is nothing surprising in it, if we consider now the general method of writing plays to scenes. "O'Cul. Writing plays to scenes! Oh, you are joking. "Monop. Not I, upon my word. Mr. Simile knows that I have frequently a complete set of scenes from Italy, and then I have nothing to do but to get some ingenious hand to write a play to them. "Sim.

I sang it to his notes, 'Hah! upon my vord vary pritt, thrum, thrum, thrum, stay, stay, thrum, thrum, Hoa? upon my vord, here it must be an adagio, thrum, thrum, oh! let it be an Ode to Melancholy. "Monop. The Devil! there you were puzzled sure. "Sim. Not in the least, I brought in a cloud in the next stanza, and matters, you see, came about at once. "Monop. An excellent transition. " O'Cul.

"You dogs, I'm Jupiter Imperial, King, Emperor, and Pope aetherial, Master of th' Ordnance of the sky. "Sim. Z ds, where's the ordnance? Have you forgot the pistol? "Orchestra. "Tom. "Sim. Oh then, Jupiter, begin the song again. We must not lose our ordnance. "Sim. This hint I took from Handel. Well, how do you think we go on? "O'Cul. With vast spirit, the plot begins to thicken. "Sim.

I am your witness, Sir. Gentlemen, you perceive you know nothing about these matters. "O'Cul. Why, Mr. Simile, I don't pretend to know much relating to these affairs, but what I think is this, that in this method, according to your principles, you must often commit blunders. "Sim. Blunders! to be sure I must, but I always could get myself out of them again. Why, I'll tell you an instance of it.

The following extracts will give some idea of the humor of this trifle; and in the character of Simile the reader will at once discover a sort of dim and shadowy pre- existence of Puff: "Simile. Sir, you are very ignorant on the subject, it is the method most in vogue. "O'Cul. What! to make the music first, and then make the sense to it afterwards! "Sim. Just so. "Monop. What Mr.