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'I never heard of a "gold brick," observed Doreen. 'Well, she's one, said Vava obstinately, and they both laughed. But Vava never told any one except her 'gold brick, as she called 'old nursie, of the bad quarter of an hour which she had had with Miss Briggs before school, when the latter had accused her of having seen the papers, and told her to go and confess it to Miss Upjohn.

So good night, auntie, and cheer up; our time is coming fast." "And trouble coming, too; God help us." The girl turned upon her swiftly, with flashing eyes. "Are you afraid? Do you want to give it up?" "I am afraid for you. But give up now; never!" "Brave old nursie!" The girl flung both arms about the old woman, and kissed her withered cheeks. "Never fear for me; my star is rising.

This fever leaves you as weak as a rag, and ready to cry if any one says 'Boo! I've been doing some high-pressure thinking since nursie left. Had plenty of time to do it in, sitting here by this window all day. My land! I never knew there was so much time. There's been days when I haven't talked to a soul, except the nurse and the chambermaid. Lonesome!

I remember I had been very good, and done something very wonderful, as I thought, and nursie said to me in her dry way, 'Well, Miss Jessie, my dear, duty is not a hedgehog, that you should be bristling all over in that way.

'She must buy her own experience, as nursie says; and, by the way, she told me the other day not to worry about Eva, as she would come all right, for her heart was in the right place, said Stella. 'One consolation is that she is going to her old home for Easter, and I am hoping that seeing her old friends will bring her back to what she was when she came up to town. I am going there too.

But the housekeeper was afraid of the nurse, and sought to patch matters up, saying: 'I am sure, princess, nursie did not mean to be rude to you. 'I do not think my papa would wish me to have a nurse who spoke to me as Lootie does. If she thinks I tell lies, she had better either say so to my papa, or go away. Sir Walter, will you take charge of me?

Nursie must make haste and finish my black embroidered silk, and I must finish reading the play. Mr. Jones says it's splendidly staged! she exclaimed. 'When did you see Mr. Jones? inquired Stella. 'In the office yesterday, when I came to fetch you. He told me where to go botanising this afternoon, explained Vava. 'Oh, said Stella, 'that Mr.

'Everything's downright horrid, nursie, said Vava, going into the kitchen after dinner to pour out her woes into the housekeeper's sympathetic ear. 'When night's blackest, dawn's nearest not that I think it's a very black night; we must all pay for our experience, and you are paying at this minute, replied the old woman. 'But I don't see why I should pay to-day! I had not done anything wrong.

Jones; nursie does not make scones for every one, and I don't think I should have been favoured this afternoon, as Vava is out. So Mrs. Jones went away quite satisfied with her visit, and told her husband, with a sigh of relief, 'She's actually coming; but upon my word, Monty, I doubt if the game's worth the candle.

Morrison looked at the weary young face from under her glasses with her shrewd eyes, but said nothing, and only drew the little table near the fire, took away the wet shoes, and went off to get tea. 'Nursie is a very comforting person, Stella, isn't she? said Vava, as she held out her cold hands to the cheerful blaze. 'She spoils us all.