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'In her own room, said Mr. Kendal. 'I could not bear the sight of her obduracy. Even her aunt was shocked at her want of feeling. Low as he spoke, the sternness of his voice frightened the baby, and she was obliged to run away to the nursery, where she listened to the contrition of the little nursemaid, who had never suspected Miss Sophy's intention of taking him out of the house.

Alexander smiled. "Actually," he said with equal dryness, "I distrust everyone." "If you think this job is easy, you have another think coming," Kennon said bitterly. "I hired out as a veterinarian, not as a nursemaid for a bunch of psychoneurotic humans and superstitious Lani. The place is jinxed, they tell me. Ha! Jinxed! Sure it's jinxed!

What a time Mr and Mrs Distracted Horseman must have of it, though especially now they've sacked the nursemaid. If Oswald is ever married I suppose he must be some day he will have ten nurses to each baby. Eight is not enough. We know that because we tried, and the whole eight of us were not enough for the needs of that deserted infant who was not so extra high-born after all.

The last word she uttered with an intentional tenderness as though Frau Rupius was to be won over by that means. "Yes, yes," answered the latter, her tone implying that she knew he was good, and had not asked about that. "Have you a reliable nursemaid?" she added. Bertha was somewhat astonished at the question.

"What are we to do?" asked the Prime Minister, whose cook had wept into all the breakfast dishes and whose nursemaid had gone out, crying quietly and miserably, to take the children for a walk in the Park. "There is a time for everything," said the King; "there is a time to yield.

The children, engaged in turning their nursery into a very fair imitation of Pandemonium and in driving the unhappy nursemaid nearly mad, stopped their various operations at these words from their governess as she entered, and stared at her partly perhaps because they were not conscious of having been less troublesome than they usually were, but more because of her last sentence.

Phoebe might easily have told him the real state of the case; Nancy was busy at her washing, which would have been reason enough. But the nursemaid had vexed her, and she did not like Philip's sharpness, so she only said, 'It's noane o' my business; it's yo' t' look after yo'r own wife and child; but yo'r but a lad after a'.

After my eldest son was born, being in want of a nursemaid, Fanny, the very servant who had waited on Miss Evelyn and Mrs. Harris, offered herself; and as I had known her well and loved her much, though I had lost sight of her for some years, I most gladly engaged her. She told me many things of Mrs. Harris and her little lady, which I never could have known otherwise. She said that Mrs.

So our hero, for such I may perhaps term him, found himself the degraded nursemaid of a small but furious kid. He was afraid to lay it down, for fear in its rage it should beat its brains out against the hard earth, and he did not wish, however innocently, to be the cause of its hurting itself at all.

When the nursemaid descended from the upper regions with her mistress's message for him, he ran out to meet her; saw the good news in her smiling face; and, for the first and last time in his life kissed one of his brother's female servants.