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He's a nice feller, he is, an' we was allus good friends. Smart, too. Smart as a steel trap. Well, when we was a-fightin' this atternoon, all-of-a-sudden he begin t' rip up an' cuss an' beller at me. 'Yer shot, yeh blamed infernal! he swear horrible he ses t' me. I put up m' hand t' m' head an' when I looked at m' fingers, I seen, sure 'nough, I was shot.

Johnny warn’t more’n four o’ thereabouts when Don Cazar went back to Texas an’ got him. Don Cazar’s been like a pa to Johnny since, an’ a mighty good one, too. But when th’ Rangers was round here in ’62 Johnnyhe had a big row an’ run off to join ’em. Jus’ a half-growed kid, not big ’nough to raise a good brush o’ hair on his chin yet.

He did not hear a raging of telephone-bells in the switch-tower, nor the man, as he leaned out and called to .007's engineer: "Got any steam?" "'Nough to run her a hundred mile out o' this, if I could," said the engineer, who belonged to the open road and hated switching. "Then get. The Flying Freight's ditched forty mile out, with fifty rod o' track ploughed up.

Mare, yo' speech is all right 'nough, but it don't suit we uns ernough ter give up ther guns. We went back on our colored frends ter giv' yo' 'ristocrats ther gov'ment, and we uns'll combine wi' ther colored men an' take hit from yer, see?" Teck Pervis turned and faced the men who stood like a wall at his back. "Gentermen, go home an' keep yer guns an' yer powder dry, for yo'll need 'em!

I was big 'nough to draw water, an' put it in a tub an' wash Miss Mary, Miss Annie, an' Miss July. I had to keep 'em clean. I had to comb dey hair an' dey would holler an' say I pulled. I was tol' not to let anything hurt dem chulluns. "I slep' in de Quarters wid de other niggers. Befo' sunup I had to git to de Big House ter dress dem chulluns.

"Why, Davie," she chided, brightly, "ain't I always been a-wantin' to see the city streets with the hurryin' people, 'n' tall houses, 'n' churches with towers on 'em? They ain't many folks on th' Ridge'll hev sech a lettin'-out as mine." "If I only had 'nough saved to go too," he mourned. She answered him simply: "An' who'd I hev to write to me, with you goin' 'long?

"'Call over Doc Peets, says Jack Moore final, 'an' bring Boggs an' Tutt an' the rest of these yere invalids to. "Doc Peets an' Enright both trails in on the lope from the New York Store. They hears Moore's gun-play an' is cur'ous, nacheral 'nough, to know who calls it.

We'll lay 'round here till mornin' and then set a signal. Something'll come along pretty soon. Sure 'nough, 'long come a coaler bound for Charleston. She see us a-wallowin' in the trough and our mast thrashin' for all it was worth. "'What d'ye want? the skipper says, when he got within hail.

I heard it breathed that all the theatrical storehouses in town were playing to S.R.O. "I got a chance to shake down a little change as prima donna with a turkey show. What do you know about that? I played with one last Thanksgiving, and excuse these tears it was a college town and the show was on the blink. 'Nough said. The manager hasn't left there yet. "Oh, Listerine, have you heard the news?

The landlady had never before seen this usually happy guest in his present mood, and she watched him curiously. "A man wants ter see ye," she announced, shortly, her hand on the knob. "Oh, I'm in no shape for play to-night; go back and tell him so." "Sure, an' it's aisy 'nough ter see thet wid half an eye.