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'I'm glad we're out o' that moss, said Dinmont, 'where there's mair stables for horses than change-houses for men; we have the Maiden-way to help us now, at ony rate. Accordingly, they speedily gained a sort of rugged causeway so called, being the remains of an old Roman road which traverses these wild regions in a due northerly direction.

Daaka looked at him and shook his head. "No, not my mother this," replied he; "my mother down there," replied he, pointing out in a northerly direction. "What does he mean, Swinton? he says this is not his mother." "I will speak to him, Wilmot; you are too much agitated," replied Swinton. "Is not that the vessel which your mother was lost in?" said Swinton, through the interpreter.

We were a week in crossing the highlands in a northerly direction; then we descended into the Upper Shire Valley, which is nearly 1200 feet above the level of the sea. This valley is wonderfully fertile, and supports a large population.

It is the most northerly town in Europe, and is about sixty-five miles southwest of the North Cape. It is a town of about three thousand inhabitants, who appear to be industrious and intelligent. Even here, in this region of frost and darkness, we are glad to say, there are plenty of good schools and able teachers. From Hammerfest we continue our voyage northward along the coast.

This navigation towards the west during the day, towards the east during the night, lasted for forty-eight hours more; but the barometer showed some tendency to rise, its oscillations became less frequent; it was to be presumed that the bad weather would end in northerly winds. And so in fact it happened.

The Doty party, or Jayhawkers, when they were ready started first a northerly course to find a more favorable place to cross the range and drove their oxen with them, each with a small pack. They soon came to some good water, and after refreshing themselves turned westward to cross the great mountain before them.

Now a direct line toward the north can be no other than a meridian line. Had it been merely a straight line of vague northerly direction which was meant, rectum, the usual expression for a mathematical straight line, would have been used instead of directam.

Karnis drew a deeper breath, for here the air was clear and balmy; a light northerly breeze brought the refreshing fragrance of the sea, and the slender palm-trees that bordered the canal threw long shadows mingling with the massive shade of the sycamores.

Moreover, no vessel could live through a northerly gale inside the harbor the only one on that coast unless securely moored to the island itself. Consequently whoever held the island commanded the situation altogether. There was not much time for consultation; for the very next morning 'we saw open of the haven 13 great ships, the fleet of Spain. It was a terrible predicament.

There was turmoil enough out at sea, for the steadily northerly drift was crossed by a violent roll from the east, and these two currents were complicated in their movement by a rush of water that came like a mill-race from the southward.