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A scholastic institution was attached to this charity for the education of four poor boys, chosen by the mayor and corporation, who also elected their teacher. The latter was not to be, in the terms of the founder, either a "Scotchman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a foreigner, or a North-countryman", lest their pronunciation of the English language should suffer.

The lieutenant, however, had no such barbarous intentions; he had seen and acknowledged the truth of my observation, and, being a well meaning north-countryman, he offered me his hand, which I took with pleasure, having had quite enough of stimulus for that time. Bell. You have an opportunity now, Madam, to revenge yourself upon him for affronting your squirrel. Belin. O, the filthy, rude beast.

That something remarkable had happened to him she divined at once. In moments of excitement a certain foreign look as some people thought, a gypsyish look was apt to show itself. The roving eyes, the wild manner, the dancing step betrayed the in most man banishing altogether the furtive or jealous reserve of the North-Countryman, which were at other times equally to be noticed.

The man is no doubt a clever mimic. He could, perhaps, compress or enlarge his larynx. And I judge from what you tell me that he took characters each time which compelled him largely to alter and modify his tone and accent." "Yes," I said. "As the Mexican Seer, he had of course a Spanish intonation. As the little curate, he was a cultivated North-countryman.

He appeared to me, too, as a typical North-countryman a son of Lancashire, proud of the great Lancashire towns, and thoroughly at home in the life of the Lancashire countryside. He could tell a story in dialect admirably.

A little more than half a century ago, but yet at a period not so far distant as to be beyond the remembrance of many still living, a clear-headed North-countryman, on the banks of the Tyne, was working out, in spite of all opposition, the great problem of adapting the steam engine to railway locomotion.

Two of his pupils were young men from Lubeck, who were under the care of a teacher from their own part of the world, Augustine Vincent, a budding scholar, who afterwards published an edition of Virgil, but who as yet was glad to be helped by Erasmus. Another pair came from England, one a kinsman of John Fisher, and were in the charge of a morose North-countryman.

"However long he'd been out of England he hadn't lost a North-Country accent! He was some sort of a North-Countryman Yorkshire or Lancashire, I'll go bail. No Frenchman, officer not he!" "Well, there's no papers here, anyway," said Mitchington, who had now emptied the suit-case. "Nothing to show who he was.

I say `getting to know, because it takes quite three years to know a North-countryman. They are so terribly reserved! Last year I was on the box seat of a coach sitting next to the driver whom we knew best of all.

One of Sandy's first successes was in what was called a 'shop-meeting, a gathering of all the employes of the firm he worked for, before whom the North-countryman pleaded to be allowed to earn his bread.