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And thenceforward he read, as it were, on guard, looking up every other minute. Louie established herself some way up the further slope, in a steep stony nook, under two black boulders, which protected her rear in case of reprisals from David. Time passed away.

He had occupied his time in moving with his ponies and load to a new point in the heath, eastward to his previous station; and here he selected a nook with a careful eye to shelter from wind and rain, which seemed to mean that his stay there was to be a comparatively extended one.

Victory over darkness requires the spread of light into every nook and cranny of the human soul. The age-long conflict has passed its crisis. Yet all too few willingly give their whole-hearted allegiance to the ideals and methods of science.

The Nubian produced a rusty crowbar from some nook where he had evidently concealed it in the past, thrusting the point beneath the bowlder; then he exerted a strong, steady pressure upon the crowbar and the great rock slowly moved aside, disclosing a circular opening in the midst of which was a square flagstone bearing in its centre an iron ring.

Vessels of copper, brass, and tin shone so brightly that it seemed a shame to use them for anything but looking- glasses; while tables and chairs glowed with the results of perpetual friction. "Come, sit ye down, sit ye down, ladies," said Mrs Hodges; "there, come into the chimney nook: eh! Deary me! Ye're quite wet."

She had longed for another peep since the flower-stand was gone, and climbing trees forbidden; now with joy she slipped into the damp nook, regardless of the speckled gentlemen who stared at her with dismay, and took a good look at the forbidden paradise beyond. Yes, the "moss ones" were in bloom, the cherries quite red, and at the window was the gray head of Mr.

They made a march of an hundred and fifty miles to be cooped up in a nook, instead of taking the other route, which was only about an hundred miles, and would have led them to a place of safety.

It's a wonder too, from the panicky way he's actin', he don't shove me ahead of him for a buffer as we goes in. But he has just enough courage left to let me trail along behind. So it's him gets the cordial greetin' from the vision in blue net that floats out easy and graceful from the window nook.

The water is held in high estimation by the islanders, some of whom consider it an agreeable as well as a medicinal beverage; they bring it from the mountain in their calabashes, and store it away beneath heaps of leaves in some shady nook near the house. Old Marheyo had a great love for the waters of the spring.

How can it be possible that I should have lived on this island so many days and yet hit upon this nook of safety by mere chance, as it were?" Not until he reached the level again could he solve the puzzle.