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If our opponent should argue that the knowledge of the falsity of whatever is other than Brahman is contradictory to non- knowledge, we ask whether this knowledge of the falsity of what is other than Brahman is contradictory to the non-knowledge of the true nature of Brahman, or to that non-knowledge which consists in the view of the reality of the apparent world.

Now, though I have no desire to substitute any other section of the community for the manual workers, and hold most strongly that such workers have as great a right as University professors, or members of the Stock Exchange, or even members of the bureaucracy, to say how we are to be governed, I will never admit that they have a prerogative right to rule, and that I and other non- manual workers have only the right to obey.

Lovaina, in the rear of whose carriage I had taken refuge, exclaimed: "They say Tahiti people is savage! Why this crazy people must be finished. Is this business go on?" "Non, non!" replied the secretary-general, with patriotic anger, "We French are long suffering, but c'est assez maintenant." He spoke to the first in command, and an order was shouted to M. Wilms, the pilot, to leave the Noa-Noa.

If the internal organ, on the contrary, were essentially active, it would constantly be acting, since as a non- intelligent being it could not be influenced by particular reasons for action, such as the desire for enjoyment. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the agent. But from the highest, this being declared by Scripture.

The cause of the evil, once found, suggests the remedy. In everything, habit benumbs the imagination; new objects alone quicken it again. Every-day objects keep active not the imagination, but the memory; whence the saying "Ab assuetis non fit passio." For only the imagination can set on fire our passions. If, therefore, you wish to cure any one of the fear of darkness, do not reason with him.

Et quanquam ad pulcherrimum hoc opus evertendum, tres illi Dii conspirabunt, CHRONUS, VULCANUS, et PATER ipse gentis. Non tamen annorum series, non flamma, nec ensis; AEternum potuit hoc abolere Decus.

I shun melancholy, crabbed men, as I would the plague; and in matters I cannot talk of without emotion and concern I never meddle, if not compelled by my duty: "Melius non incipient, quam desinent." The surest way, therefore, is to prepare one's self beforehand for occasions.

"Posso aver certezza, e non paura, Che raccontando quel che m' e accaduto, Il ver diro, ne mi sara creduto." "Orlando Innamorato," c. 5. st. 53.

The City of God gathered in the wreckage of the earthly city: "The Goth cannot capture what Christ protects" Non tollit Gothus quod custodit Christus. And as his sufferings increased, he turned all his thoughts on this unending City, "where we rest, where we see, where we love," where we find again all the beloved ones who have gone away.

In the former sense, it implies nothing more than the want of a sure and satisfactory conviction of the truth on the particular point in question. Were it expressed in words, it would simply amount to a verdict of "non liquet."