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But, as may readily be conceived, the holders of power found in this a new call to make an example of some of the most notable and noisiest of their opponents, and thereby to assure themselves that the remainder would adhere to that fitting policy of sighing and silence.

For Sir Piers and his wife motored home at the end of July through a village decked with flags and bunting and under a triumphant arch that made Piers' little two-seater seem absurdly insignificant; while the bells in the church-tower clanged the noisiest welcome they could compass, and Gracie home for the holidays mustered the school-children to cheer their hardest as the happy couple passed the schoolhouse gate.

These three broods over my window were not the only ones in the place; there were at least twenty other pairs in the garden and outhouses of the inn sparrows, thrushes, blackbirds, dunnocks, wrens, starlings, and swallows. Yet the inn was in the very centre of the village, and being an inn was the most frequented and noisiest spot. To return to my old friend of eighty-nine.

It was grand to see his great soul at full liberty rejoicing in the Lord. He was quite at home in the noisiest and stormiest meetings, and no doubt he thought me a promising disciple, and a very happy one, too. Oh, what tremendous scenes we witnessed whenever Mr. Aitken came to preach at Baldhu.

The waves revelled between, and the winds were high, but above the bellow of our engines and the elements, those thrilling footfalls rang out. I caught a glimpse of a familiar something, as the rival craft went by, and reeled and fell upon the deck. "I found New York the noisiest city in the world, and felt that a week's tenure would drive me mad.

The drama, in the eyes of the Parisians, is almost a sacred rite, and not even the noisiest gamin would raise his voice above a whisper when the curtain is up. The vaudeville that follows is, to say the least of it, a perplexing performance. It has no plot in particular.

In noisiest turbulence of typhoon wrath this reserved Englishman sways and tosses with the ship's motion, raptly listening to low-pitched, soft-keyed voice rising above the storm. What is ocean's tumult to this long-range undertone? Outriding storm fury, the steamer for needed repairs anchors off Indian shore, whence she continues her eccentric course.

Sitting thus, with the unturned leaf lingering between my thumb and forefinger, I hear a rapid footfall on the stairs, and a musical whistle which, growing louder as it draws nearer, breaks off at my door, and is followed by a prolonged assault and battery of the outer panels. "Welcome, noisiest of visitors!" I exclaim, knowing it to be Müller before I even open the door.

"Yes, and when he was well, too. A habit of his, groanin' was. I don't know why he done it see himself in the lookin'-glass, maybe; that was enough to make anybody groan. He'd groan in his sleep or snore or both. He was the noisiest sleeper ever I set up with. Shall we go upstairs?"

The village was not a little awed by the strange turn that affairs had taken, for the two noisiest tongues in it had been silenced, Mrs. Fry's by the restoration of her Tommy's power of speech, Mrs. Mugford's by the arrest of her son.