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I rested, paddling just enough to keep myself upright and forget my troubles in wonderment. Surely that was a voice singing! There was a strange melody I had never heard the like of, and it came from the brightness not far from me. I came back to knowledge of where I was with a start, trying to make out from which direction it sounded. "This is a nixie trying to lure me to the depth," I thought.

"I think it is as good as the Nixie," she said, on a sudden impulse. He swung round, staring at her almost insolently. "My dear girl, what do you know about it?" His voice was cold. The blood rushed to her heart. He had never spoken to her in that tone before. As always, her hurt silenced her. He prowled for a minute, then repeated his question about their expenses.

Well, your father surely had no reason to be proud of his brother. Why, in a single night he gambled away 'The Gold Nixie' and more, too. I believe that he would gamble away the 'St. George' if it were his, but it belongs to you, Master Willy. I ought not to say anything to such a young lad as you about the matter I know that, but "

He looked very wise as he said this, and his wand of office a dirty trowel which he held in his hand, gave him tremendous dignity. "That's just what we thought, and of course if you say so too, that settles it," said Nixie.

Happiness is generally made to fit the person who owns it, just as do your shoes, or clothes; so that when you take someone else's it's very little good to you, for it fits badly, and you can never forget it isn't yours. So what with one thing and another, this Water Nixie had to be punished, and the Queen of the Sea had banished her from the waves.

And the song put new life and courage into his heart, for it told him that if he would endure and wait the pleasure of the gods, joy would be his one day. The Nixie finished her song, and smiled up at Wayland at the window before turning and swimming over the waves till she dived beneath them. That same instant the bird flew away, and the moon was covered by a cloud.

She knew she should enjoy the Fete immensely, but somehow, she did not feel she could bring herself to sleep in the little studio, with Felicity the Nixie sneering down at her from one wall, and Felicity the Dancer challenging from the other.

The male is called nix, the female nixie, the generic term for both being nicker, from a root which perhaps means ‘to washThere is perhaps some truth in the statement which would derive the Satanic patronymic of ‘Old Nick’ from these beings, as spirits extremely familiar to the Teutonic mind.

"Nixie!" he answered, in swift negation. "Little Willie don't want to tackle that delicate job. I'm subtle, but not so subtle as that. Alice Heath knows all we know and more, and you can bet they've talked the whole thing over." "But they may not realize the position of the Haneys."

She has a kind of nixie, tantalising, bewitching charm that would drive a crowd mad. She has a fresh, sympathetic voice, penetrating, too, as a clarion. Her folk-songs and her sea-songs go down to the bottom of a man's heart and into every corner of it.